Monday, September 05, 2005

"Take the Kid Out!"

Saturday we went to the movies—rather then going to the “free-crip” movies. We went to the $1.50 a movies theaters out in Sandy not far from the homestead. It has been literally years since we a movie in the evening and on a weekend! I really should know better. There were tons of people! I could not believe the amount of humanity. We first went to Star Wars then later Mr and Mrs Smith. A sea of folk and kids were everywhere. I suppose this is how life is with the rest of the world. D and I go to the movies, when we go, on Sundays—Utah that is the best time to go to movies, Sunday, early afternoon. The Mormons have not yet gotten out of church, and most of the Mo’s won’t go to a movie on the Sabbath anyway. We havethe run of the place.

Theaters now, are mostly built with stadium seating. Designers knew this was going to be a major issue for folks with disabilities who use wheelchairs or cannot climb stairs. The builders have designed spaces here and there in the front rows of these theaters with cut-outs. Places where wheelchairs can sit right next to the regular seat. Sort of like fitting in, literally. If you are a person who uses a wheelchair for mobility it’s always a little spooky to go in when the place is crowded…there is always someone in the seats designated as reserved for people with disabilities. Most of the time when I roll in these people will get up and find where else to go. If they do not then you are left with the unpleasant task of say” hey these spots are reserved for folks in wheelchairs can I have your seat.” Many times this will do the trick—other times this direct approach does not work so well—even if you have the kid taking tickets acting as management, with his flashlight drawing everyones attention directly to you. This would be a great time to call the ADA cops, if there was such a person or agency, but that is an entirely different story for an entirely different time. This is not even what I want to rant about. There was a couple with their infant with them at the movie-a small whimpering annoying baby. WHO BRINGS A BABY TO THE MOVIES????. It’ not the babies fault, the baby is doing just what babies do, eat,cry, sleep—sometimes and generally be. Do the parents, regardless of how young, really expect junior is going top sleep through the entire movies with people screaming, guns and cannons blowing people up and cars crashing All over the screen?? Do, they even car. Minding you they are camped out on the back-row right behind crip seating. Sitting on the back-row I bad enough with all the later comers straggling into the movie opening the doors and yammering and stumbling over you till they get used to the darkness.

I could not believe it the kid was crying and whimpering, the parents struggling with the infant till someone , not far from where I was sitting yelled, “ Take the baby out!” It was amazing a loud silence fell over the hole movie audience—their eyes fastened on the screen straight afraid to turn and look out the offending parents. Everyone in the theater was sorry it had to come to this but the outburst was best. The parents gathered their stuff and slinked from the theater and the movie ran it’s course in peace. I have to admit I felt sorry for the parents but what did they expect? They were pushing the kid thing even for UTAH.

I apologize for the quality of these images. However, clicvk in the image fort the expanded version. There was a huge storm raging outside a these images were being take. Huge lightning bolds were being hurled to the earth and thunder crashing ansd there were people everywhere!

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