Friday, July 21, 2006

Here We Go Again

I had lunch today with my fabulously arty Lori B. Now Lori you might recall go back ,probably, decades now. Lori has a major disability (CP) but she has made a minor life path in the arts. Lori has been the editor of writers with disability anthology. She has also been part of an actors group called the 2nd West Acting Company. I was part of that group and though I did not have the commitment that Lori does I would like to see her continue her dream of living, breathing and working somewhere in the art trade. When Lori has an idea these days she always pulls me in on the idea, one to see if I think her idea has merit and two to see how I might be part of the project so I am somewhat guarded every time she calls and wants to do lunch.

The past couple of years Lori has been employed, half heartedly, at a local private non-profit group. She was hired with “soft money”. There seems to little “hard money” anymore so lots of folks are hired under very squishy grants as was Lori. Well, that grant is about squished out and she is being let go and she will soon be back into the job market which I feel would be a very scary place for a women in her late forties with CP. I know how I would feel being a guy in his mid 50’s with spinal cord injury. But Lori has an idea—it’s not a new idea we have kicked it round a lot in the past couple of years. The idea will not die though and maybe now it the idea’s time. Currently the community of people with disabilities in this town seems to be experiencing some major change. The last big shake up in the community was a little over five years ago. The money may not be any harder now then it was then but maybe there might be more. I don’t see the niche Lorie wants to fill being addressed at this point in time. She just needs to work part time, I guess to retain benefits and cover rent. Lori could do it.

We had an idea not long ago to develop a writer’s sanctuary. A place sort of like a co-op where there would be a place where writers could go and have access to a physical space and what ever supports they might need to write. The sanctuary or co-op would have access to professional writers, workshops, a cell or individual writing area : word processor, printer. Public events like readings, work signings, and possibly even forums. And possibly an yearly anthology made up of the works from the Co-op. I have moved on from this idea. I had a romantic notion that if a person had a place to go that was just for writing maybe that person, (me) would write more! I was hoping we would be able to secure an older building on the Eastside of town. There’s a lot of property that is sitting empty right now some City and State buildings. If we could get one we would be on our way. I think this is a great idea but when I started thinking of living the idea I began to waver. I like being home too much. I just do not have the hermatic drive to lock myself away and write. I guess IF I am going to write I am going to write at home. I believe in the writers co-op to the point that I may consider sitting on the or a board of directors if it ever gets to a private non-profit status.

So here we go again Lori has an idea so just sit back and see what grows.

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