Thursday, July 06, 2006

Holidays Remorse

Holiday’s Remorse

Sometimes I think I would happily forgo holiday in order to be functional in the holiday’s week. I have been fighting off sleep all afternoon. I even went to bed earlier then usual last night but today I am still sleeping in from of my computer screen. The time off for the holiday seems nice but this is horrible. I have nodded off twice today. Luckily no one has walked on me …yet.

So I have to keep busy. I am working on the quarterly report for my Advisory Board Meeting I have this coming Tuesday. Of course, as to tradition, the damn software I am plagued to use to develop the reports I need does not work. I cannot get a hold of the honcho who developed the software and understands it best. In order to get to Juan I have to go though Leonardo. Leonardo is the slick ( car sales men clone)suite who fronts the software to the public. Leonardo likes to think he is the all knowing geek who can answer your hard core, geek questions but Leonardo usually has to default Juan. Juan saunters in looks at the problem does a quick evaluation and does his magic and you are on your way again crunching numbers, developing your reports and over all looking good. But, none of that today leaving me with the feeling I could have had this issue resolved if only I had not taken the Third or Fourth of July off . One day left in this week and Monday we should be able to hone a report which will get us past the board.
Actually CC, my partner here in this office is fantastic. We use a piece of software called WebTrend. WebTrends is one of those all purpose pieces of software which constantly measures activity on your website. We only started using the Webtrends as reporting tool to Advisory Board in the last year when our calls continued to look so dismal. Where our call per month may have sank as low as 250 calls the hits to our website is a strong, or looks strong, 30,000+ hits. Everyone seems to be impressed but me. Is this the old razzle dazzle . The people who sit on our board or for the most part people who have been assigned this task so the Director will not have to waste his precious time with us one hour every quarter. I know a lot of these hits are from people bored and just out surfin net the NET. The one board member who is savvy enough to understand is a real friend to our organization, one who wishes d\for us to succeed and to grow. He is a university professor type, a think tank type one who knows how to bend the universe into separate realities through the power of statistics. Marty is a good person, who follow the principals of White magic—Marty is far from the Dark side and yet walks in light.

We have two working days and a whole weekend to polish the numbers ( however small) so bright these numbers will blind those who seek to quibble and bibble our good works.

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