Sunday, July 30, 2006

Shoulder Pain and Corn on the Cob

I made a decision this morning when getting out of bed. My shoulder has become sore and the pain seems to have leveled off a bit but clearly the pain will continue until I take some action of one form or another. This pain is similar to the pain I had earlier this year when I did some damage to my left shoulder. I tried to get some physical therapy but could never get any going for a hose of reasons. I am paying for that now. I am still able to dress myself, achieve questionable but productive transfers and do all my ADLs. Something I have painfully noted the last couple of weeks that I am doing, literally hundreds of depression lifts a day. A depression lift is not a lift that leaves a person feeling bad a depression lift is a lift executed by lifting yourself up off your butt by pressing down on your arms on the arms of your wheelchair and by doing do taking the pressure off your butt. This is very important if you are a crip. I realized this morning that I was beginning to let the pain control my life this is not a good sign. So I am going to regain my life. I am going to start a PT regimen. I have tried this before but have failed.

The reason P.T. Has failed for me is finding somewhere I can do the exercises proscribed by the PT. I mean that is all the PT did was give me some colored rubber tubbing and told me to do pull-downs. I just do not have such an environment where I can do this. So, I discussed the issue have no space to workout with Dianne and we're going to try to make such a space. I have one place where I can construct such a place in my computer room. I have a huge rack which stand over 6 feet high. I think I can affix a bar of some kind which will allow me to at least to throw my tubbing over the bar and begin my “PT” regimen: pulling the tube, wrapped round my hand, twenty reps on each side for four sets. I am believing this since a number of years ago I had a very similar issue with my right shoulder and the system worked—so here is hoping.

Yesterday, I did the Farmer's Market. I wanted to get hold of some corn on the cob and see what else might be offered. I dallied round the house, actually I went over to Al and LeNae's and visited for an hour or so but the morning got late and hot and by the time I got to the park many of the “Farmers” were packing their trucks to leave. I found the most righteous table I could find which still had corn on the table. This table was hosted by a young women and her father or some one older. They had been there at the table since 7:00 a.m. They seemed exhausted and wanted to get back to their home in Northern Utah. The corn was “six ears for two dollars and twelve for four.” The corn was fairly beat up and picked over by this time of day but I found 12 pieces—eight for us and four i got for the neighbors. The kind was “Salt and Pepper” corn and excellent. Dianne micro-waved the corn and we had the corn for dinner. The corn was great

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