Monday, July 10, 2006

The Wall

I may discussed this before but my office is in the rear of the building and my offices back wall is also the outside wall of the building. The building itself sits at the bottom of a sloping parking lot, this means any measurable participation, whether rain or snow tends to “pool” at the base of this building. Over the three or so years I have been here there has been many snow and rain storms and a lot of water has puddle against the wall. Well, the water seeped through wall and soaked a lot of the base board. Add the wet wall along comes me in my power wheelchair

I keep an old manual wheelchair in my office which I transfer into in the morning when I get to work. In order to transfer safely from one chair to the other I brace my manual chair against my wood desk and pin the chair there with my power chair. To do this I wedge my power chair between the and the manual chair. Over the years I have brushes against this “wet” wall enough to begin caving in the wall and I mean caving in the wall. I think I have been able to keep the cavity hidden with either of the chairs. I have made sure that one wheelchair is always in front the whole at all times. Last week I guess I was found out when there was so much white plaster from the wall on my wheels that the building followed the tracks back to my office. Friday as I was preparing to live for the weekend the building engineer came by my office with a tradesman whom I assumed worked drywall from the amount of pointing at the hole in the wall. The two worked, and talked around me—I was once again, invisible. Which is just fine with me, at least they were not pointing fingers at me.
This morning when I came into my office the hole was gone. Patched, beautifully patched. There was all kinds of tools strewn all over my office and still is for that matter. The only thing I can think is the dry waller will come back this evening and work on the wall some more. I appreciate the repair and I also appreciate not being drug down into a “who broke the wall investigation”. I am just wondering how long this “Fix’ is going to last before the rains come or I ram the wall unintentionally and the process starts all over. I need to figure a less destructive way of accessing my manual wheelchair.

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