Sunday, March 09, 2014

Enough Is Enough

I really like the Wellness program, the program is been a major part of my life as last year, I go in 3 days a week and workout for an hour. I'm not driving anymore so I'm using public transit entirely to get around. That's okay, I just have to plan my life accordingly this means I go with the bus goes are on the train goes however that works. The Wellness Program does not start until 3 o'clock in the afternoon . In order to get to the Wellness Program I have to leave the house no later the 12 o'clock and order to be sure to get to the facility by 3 o'clock. Many times I get there sometimes an hour early. It seems that many of my fellow wheelchair folk have the same problem. Management of the wellness program is becoming concerned too many folk in wheelchairs are showing up early and crowding the facility.

At first we could not be on the floor until 3 o'clock. Then on Friday the same day as my near death experience, I got there 45 minutes early and I was told they are changing the rules again and now we cannot even in the building until 15 minutes before 3:00 pm. Come on that is just ridiculous I mean really. They're even talking about penalizing those who do show up early an hour suspension!!. I know they're just trying to keep their facility from clogged up but there has to be a better way then trying to flex their administrative muscles and micromanaging their customers, its stupid just stupid!! This really brings up the whole medical model thing again in how people with disabilities or just patients and not paying consumers. I'm truly considering when my Saratoga Silver arrives and we have it set up, I may have to bid University of Utah rehabilitation program so long. I have to admit I appreciate what the program has done for me over the last year or so. I'm somewhat concerned about leaving the friends and associations I have made with a lot of the other consumers utilizing the Wellness Program. I have to admit I have enjoyed the socialization aspect of the program and I will just have to figure out somewhere else to find some socialization.

I have been in communication with the fellow that I purchased my Saratoga silver from and he says the Machine shipped out either Friday afternoon or Monday morning tomorrow. I should be getting the Saratoga by the end of the week. I had hoped it would arrive by Wednesday but now that does not seem likely. However I'm getting excited about having this machine at the house and being able to utilize it whenever I would like . I'm truly fortunate to be able to make this opportunity to cut myself off from the Wellness Program

1 comment:

Dee Dee said...

I am really excited, too! You'll be able to be out and about anytime you desire.

As you said, it stinks that they will limit the number of PEOPLE in chairs, but able bodied can line up against the walls no problem. It smacks of discrimination. Crowd Patrol? Fire hazards? If their program is FOR people with mobility issues, making them wait in the blistering heat or cold = FAIL.

Dumb and rather cruel, I say.

Love you so much!