Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Just Another Miracle

Blog March 25, 2014 – – Tuesday

If I were a religious person I am afraid I would have to be designed as a charismatic Christian not that I wanted to be it's just that I was brought up under a more charismatic vein of Mormonism than most folks – – but that is not what this blog is about today. I am charismatic enough to believe that there are forces active in my life all the time and more often than not they're active to keep me alive are safe. Case in point, a couple weeks ago I posted a blog about being saved at the last moment from an oncoming car. I believe this happened and I believe exterior forces are what neutralized this nearly catastrophic event.

All my life seems I have needed to be rescued from near-death encounters. I do not want to say they become commonplace or that expect them to intervene in my foolish clumsy behavior but I am not shocked or surprised when once again my life is extended on this planet.

I noted in a previous posting, was beginning to get negative feelings from some of the staff at the Wellness program when I ask for the charger to boost my chairs energy to make sure I get home okay. So, to that end I've decided to start caring a charger that will meet my needs that I will have full control of and not have to ask for assistance in plugging in. All I have to do is find a socket and away I go. So earlier this week I stopped off at the Independent living Center here in Salt Lake and got myself what I thought such a charger. It's smaller, lighter and more efficient than the big-box chargers that used to come with their power chairs. I should've plugged in the charger while at the Independent living Center to be sure that it worked but I did not. I just spelled it in my backpack and took off for my workout. Following the workout, since I was batching it, I decided I would take in one of the movies at the theaters nearby. I got my tickets it was late afternoon, I went into the theater and got one of the ushers the plug in the charger and then I found out that charger did not work. This kind of spooked me. It was Friday afternoon and wellness had closed for the day and I was not sure if I had enough power to get home. So I figured I had best make a run for for the bus to see how close I can get to home if the batteries should fail. It was then that I realized that I was on a bus route which closed fairly early. If I had not been alerted to the fact that I could not charge my battery I would very surely been stranded in sugarhouse. The movie would've gotten out relatively late but I'm sure that route 21 would be closed by that time I had not thought this out I was stupid. So true this would be a minor miracle that a miracle just the same once again save my own stupidity by a greater hand in mine.

PS Oh and by the way I did get home safely with a little power to spare in the lesson learned.

1 comment:

Dianne said...

Blessed for SURE!