Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Equal To The Challenge

Once again I have had near fall experience and I do not like it. I really am trying not to be histrionic about these events yet at the same time I feel I must be realistic and cautious. I hate like hell the students are coming at the time they are but I guess better now then when I'm really not prepared for them.

Last night as I was getting to make the transfer from my wheelchair to the bed I came very close falling on the floor. But I transfer for my future to the bed I must first get both legs up on to the mattress then I reach up rabbi trapeze and lift myself on the bed. Last night I have that lays on the bed and as I went to transfer hopefully slipped off the mat leaving myself precariously hanging of the bed and luckily I was able to call Dianne Asus to me I'm getting both legs backup on the mattress and I was able to roll over on the bed. This of course is not the first time this happened and I wonder if I have tried a little harder what I've been able to get myself back onto the mattress independently. In the past, I've always been able rescue myself these situations and this one event is not such a big deal but when incorporated with the other events of this week I have become concerned. At the fact that Dianne will be leaving next week for a week in Louisiana, with her family has significantly heightened my concern .

In the old days I welcome challenge such as being alone for a week and taking care of myself, not that I don't take care of myself now, but having Dianne around is certainly a great safety net. I have always lived by faith, faith in myself and or faith in a higher source. I know I can generally I can take care of himself. In fact is is my responsibility to take care of myself as much as I can. So, I am exploring options of how I can take of myself safely in independently. I want to explore options such as a First Alert pendant something I can wear around my neck and then leaving the front door unlocked so if I were to have to call somebody to assist me they would be able to have easy access into the house.

There's the option of having someone stay at the house while Dianne is gone. I'm not really considering this idea. I just don't want someone babysitting me. I am really looking forward to being alone naked and in my house. Having someone there search cramps this style. And seriously I have enough people in my life around my home that I can call on if should fall. I have kids, a brother who lives just couple of blocks from the house plus a whole passel of cousins also in this part of town. Then there is the options of the local organization ( see the post a couple of days go). Lastly there are friends who have committed to assist if I need...so I am covered I am going to be OK. I just have to be more careful hen I have been. I am going to have o be focused and alert. I am equal to this challenge.

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