Saturday, March 08, 2014


I was late leaving the house today for my workout but I was able to get to reach the bus stop on time and caught the 12:38 inbound. By the time I got to the 21st South Trax station I could see I had ample time to grab a bite at Carls Jr. Carl's Jr , just across the parking lot from the train station its a quick roll not using too much juice, so off I went.

Usually I'm pretty good at knowing my surroundings but I think I have become somewhat complacent with Carl's Jr, or the 21st south parking area. I was heading to the eating establishment and one must keep in mind that I often cruise between parked vehicles allowing me right to cross great expanses of parking areas to get to where I need to be, conserving time with and energy . I was zipping along when I emerged from to parked vehicles suddenly in my pin my peripheral vision to my left I sensed an object approaching at great speed. Keep in mind this event was happening in falling micro time I mean I saw the vehicle and he was closing in on me very quickly and I knew there was nothing I could do about it he and I are going to collide and I for all tense of purposes if this were going to happen I would be a goner. I knew if he hit me at the speed he was going that I would be launched if I were lucky, into the air and I don't know what would have happened at that point, if I was not so lucky I would just be ground under the vehicle literally returned into roadkill . I think I'm a close my eyes but I'm not sure I even have time for that. I wondered if the impending collision was going to hurt. I don't know how it happened I just know that it did happen. The vehicle in a microsecond spun to the right and all I heard was it click as the bumper of the vehicle glanced off my left foot pedal. Had I not heard the " click" I would not of even known we had collided even briefly. Wow. This was it, this was one of those life crossroads this was my Pulp Fiction conversion point like we're Jackson and and Travolta get totally fired upon another round hurt them. They were spared for some reason I felt t he same,in a blink of an eye, literally my life could have been over.

it took a few moments the shake the near trauma from my head. I did that instant counting the fingers and toes making sure I was still on the side of the veil and powered on. I looked around and saw the vehicle which really struck me had pulled into another parking space around the corner from our counter. I felt I needed to speak with the driver. I don't know why I was flooded with emotions but I made it to talk with him or make contact. Cautiously apartment you're over to he was getting out of his vehicle. I think he was afraid of what I was going to say it to him the first thing I did wanna make contact with the driver was ask if he was okay. I know that sounds weird since I was 11 bus got creamed.. I know but I have been a driver it had something similar happened to me I was freaked out my state freaked out remainder of the day. I sure didn't want this to happen to this driver who I wanted to thank for saving my life and that's what I did I told him thanks for being aware enough to dodge my vehicle when I zoomed in front of him. I wanted to thank him for making me lucky for the day.

Of course, I have been reliving this moment, in my mind, for the past day. What I remember is that the vehicle was moving quickly, very fast too fast or a parking lot, not that the speed of his vehicle excuses my inattention to my movements of that event. It seems I am not entirely to blame and that is OK. I will accept the responsibility for what almost happened. One way or another I have been spared—whether divine intervention or just dumb luck I am still here and I can do better.


Vladamir said...

see if you can figure out how to get the first half to show up. call it divine intervention...

Meadowlark's Mind said...

Thanks check it out now.L

Dee Dee said...

You should see the newly machined tip of Mark's footplate! Looks like he had it fire polished and freshly milled, ground, and burnished.

DIVINE INTERVENTION - Thank God Mark did not get hurt or killed! We need to start cutting a notch for every close call - way too many!

BEE CAREFUL. You are loved very much.