Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Serves Me Right

Rain was in falling gently from the sky today and I was a bit concerned as I took off for my errands and meetings. Actually I was running late I stayed up way too late and was paying the price :morning chaos . I could not believe my luck as I stuffed my bookbag and headed out in a mild rain. By the time I reached State Street the rain was coming down hard and and steady. I left of the house so quickly that I didn't have my usual breakfast of tamale Peppers and Chinese noodles. I was a bit surprised and pleased by the time I got to the bus stop that I had recouped some of the time that was lost so I ran over to Mickey D's for some breakfast so I in the best tradition a fast food I was served and on my way I had left the house so quickly that I didn't have my usual breakfast of tamale or burrito peppers and chinese noodles. I was a bit surprised and pleased by the time I got to the bus stop that I had recouped some of the time that was lost so I in the best tradition a fast food I was served and on my way matter of minutes.. I got my breakfast ago heading back to the bus stop. I figured I would eat my breakfast under the overhang one of the buildings for a keep an eye on the bus stop. 
I tried to eat my sausage biscuit under the awning outside Starbucks but the rain was too great I was get getting soaked I was forced inside the coffee temple. I looked pathetic eating my biscuit from the arches as the paper bag begin to disintegrate around my hands holding my little biscuit.

Sitting by the door trying desperately not to be obtrusive I was startled when one of the baristas tapped me on the shoulder and asked if I would like something to drink. I sheepishly huddled over night make your breakfast sandwich explaining to the barista I was ok that I was just getting out of the rain and waiting for my bus. Now, you have to remember I go to the Starbucks regularly, the morning staff know me. Cindy good morning manager came over and she asked me if I would like a latte or coffee and then she said it would be on the house! What could I say I looked at my clock and figured I would have the time so I said sure . It was about this time I noticed are young woman, standing at my bus stop getting drenched. I had a flash of an idea , as long as someone anyone was at the bus stop the bus I would have time to step out and board the vehicle when the bus stopped. The best part would be not have to stare my chair clock every few seconds.

I smugly returned to my coffee. I even, for one moment, thought about getting a coffee for the young miss taking the train for me but just as quick dismiss the idea for lack of time inconvenience.

The last I had looked at my clock I had about six minutes which seems like eons when watching the clock. I glanced up and witnessed the 0938 go crashing by my bus stop!!! What? Obviously my little drenched rat had had enough and gave up with out telling me—noone was at the stop-I HAD MISSED MY BUS.

I deserved what I got. I got humbled and good. I had to call Dianne who dropped everything and came out n a raining mourning and drive my sorry ass into the train station. I made my train and got to my meeting on time an oh I gave Dianne my coffee...she deserves so much more.

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