Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Working Through The Week

I'm super tired today, I don't know what's going on with me. I just can't seem to sleep, that's not new maybe I'm just becoming aware of it now for the first time. This retirement thing really is extremely enlightening. The question is have I always been this tired but because I was employed and had to be awake eight hours a day at least I just plowed through then slept as much as I could at night and repeated this process five times a week and so to cut up on the weekends. Now however I don't have anything to mask my day's activities as I once did so I have to be more resourceful to find a way to sleep better. I'm sure feel better tomorrow today is a challenge and it seems I have one challenge day a week at least on the conscious front.

Crazy day return calls this morning they before yesterday I noticed there was a call our recorded message on my cell phone. I don't pay much attention to my cell phone perhaps like I should so I can get messages on their not realize I have one for days sometimes. Well I played the message it was for my healthcare provider sale and need to contact them immediately. I've found as I've grown older the stress from “See me or see me after class!” Has been replaced by “please contact our office immediately!”. So the first day I tried to contact these folks and I was too late and finally I got a hold within this morning thinking somehow some way a medical test they took months ago did not get recorded right and I'm on my way out. Luckily however, it was just some confusion on a medical order or request that we placed a few weeks ago and had already been taken care. Sigh, total relief, makes you celebrate another day of living.

Then I called my friend Henry who had left a message over the weekend the long holiday weekend and I try to get back with a month or twice but to no avail. Today I was able to make contact and we had a good discussion and a visit long-overdue. Henry lives in Blackfoot Idaho a little burg four hours to the north of us here in Salt Lake. Following that discussion, I felt prompted to call my old friend Mack who is a few years older than I, living independently on oxygen and I fear way depressed. I talked with him a little bit and did a little peer counseling and made a plan to get together soon over at the senior center. I really believe the senior center can be a lifesaver for a lot of us who are getting older and easily slip into depression. I hope it's good advice for the man I think a lot of Mack and hope I have a couple more years with him, Mack has a great deal to teach me I know this. Dianne was on her way to Bridget's for the day and I had to drop me off at Harbor freight as I got my vice that I've been coveting for some days now. And that's it, I about ready to suit up and start my workout for the afternoonand then just relax until bedtime. This is my life.

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