Monday, September 29, 2014


I am sitting in my manual chair is about 3 o'clock in the afternoon which means there is some thing wrong with my power chair in fact Dianne loaded up the chair and is now driving it into Alpine medical even as we speak. Which means I am going to be without power assist mobility for at least two days if not the whole week which means things I planned to do this week are not going to happen. And really that's not too big deal, especially this week since we're in the middle some sort of meteorological event bringing cool temperatures and downpours of rain from time to time. I had promised KU ER that I would answer phones for the fund raiser but even that, not being there is not such a big deal since I hardly get any calls anyway but still it doesn't look good for me as a volunteer particularly if I want to volunteer in that system again at some point in time which I think I might. Perhaps if I had a decent manual chair I can actually push it like in the old days but right now equipment that I do have I cannot see myself being in public and train the function independently out there.

For some reason I am not too concerned about what may be going on with the big Quantum chair. I think it's something fairly minor, the tech I spoke with this morning feels it might be a short in the system somewhere and we just have to chase that down that should be too big of a deal. I was concerned it might be the controller in which case that could be a big deal 1500 $2000! That even if that were the case I think I can pick up another controller cheap if not free from UCAT our independent living. It's just an inconvenience not having power but I wanted but maybe that's the lesson need to learn to accept but is dealt me and go on to the best I can with the cards I have left to play.

Just for the record,, I think it was Friday after I got home from working/volunteering at KU ER's fundraiser, I wanted to make sure I had enough juice to do whatever I need to do the remainder of the night if I Dianne one do something so I plugged in my chair when I go home. Saturday morning when I went to unplug the chair to get ready for the day I noticed a steady blinking red light at the bottom of the transform. This is relatively new behavior I haven't seen this before which was a concern but it even greater concern was after I unplugged the charger chair seem to be nonresponsive to anything. When I turned the chair on it would not light up at all it was not getting any power whatsoever though the reader indicated it was a full charge before I shut off. Let the chair sit for a while then Dianne I were going out to the farmers market and I eventually got the chair running my plugged in the charger again. The chair responded great have any problems. So at the end of the day Saturday night I charged the chair again on Sunday morning there was the blinking red light once again. This time however when I when I pulled the plug out of the controller box chair went dead, this time not to be rejuvenated. I survived Sunday will enough without a chair which just meant I had to get in gear first thing Monday morning get some sort of mobility back in my life. I hate to be such a was and to be so dependent on extraordinary power. Dianne is been nothing but support for this project and I make calls this morning to what supports I have in trying to remedy this issue in my best hope is Alpine medical says they cannot look at my chair till Wednesday but if I drop it off, and they get some time maybe they can eyeball the chair and start a fix on the whole thing. So, I just have to cancel out from the rest of the fundraiser, get adjusted to my manual chair full-time for the next couple days and look forward to a repaired chair soon… I hope

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