Thursday, June 04, 2015

A Great Way To Start June

This month is just getting away from me I cannot believe it's the fourth and I just have not written a word. I have a myriad of excuses I always do but that's not acceptable.June is been hard to start up for some reason. I am pleased however I did get my missionaries letter out I'm still working on the grand kids low and that seems to be a bit challenging. I usually try to write these things the first Sunday of the month so it gives me a focus on the Sabbath list for that day that Sunday. So I tell myself I will write the grandkids on that day. The end of May beginning of June is slug of birthdays I must attend to , Michelle, Mark A and Bridget all fall than that first week of June and May. It's not a big deal I just have a hard time getting them all out again excuses.

Yesterday, in the midafternoon Dianne was getting ready to head out spend some time with the kids and I was exhausted I did sleep well the night before and I was cruising around in a daze just surviving the day he all of a sudden I got the telltale signs of a loosed dump, coming quick and with great prejudice. I'd had John dressed me in my khaki shorts, I love the shorts and I will miss them. I was hoping they would be quick for me to to get off praying that I had time but I was more afraid that I was not going to have time to get them off in time. Mind you, I'm in my power chair But I could see that I would be able to get the chair close enough to the commode to make the transfer. So I began laboring on my shorts. I could feel the bowel movement coming I had my shorts partially removed and I said I'd better make the transfer from the pile is going go right into my new cushion of my chair. I heaved and made the transfer was sitting on probably a third of my shorts just could not get them removed but I kept working. The flow began luckily I think Two thirds of my anus was free and I put them major load into my shorts but most of the evacuation I got into the commode . Dianne was in the mists of getting ready for her adventure but she stopped long enough to assist me and clean me up and give me the bed where I stayed remainder of the day. I had to put a brief on just in case I had more coming down the chutes that did not happen. I spent the day watching GR I MM, the series, which I have been working on this last week and that was kind of fun.

The event of the day could've been a great deal worse. I actually had Dianne through the shorts with the poop inside away. The cleanup was minimal I had been willing to call in someone to clean me up Dianne did a great job, she's a real trooper. I'm 64 I don't know how long I can keep doing these kind of things you know save myself from major messes. It really is kind of scary. However am thankful I was able to do what I do to mitigate the issue. Just wonder how many more issues are out there.

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