Monday, June 08, 2015

A New Set Of Wheels

Just got a call from my wheelchair vendor okay wheelchair salesman because that's all they are wheelchair salesman. He called to tell me I chair shipped today, which means the factory is done making it and they basically dropped it in the mailbox and if I'm lucky I'll be here by Friday if not then next week, Either way it doesn't matter a whole hell of a lot because I cannot take ownership of my new power chair to my physical therapist fits it to me. So the next step I was told to do is contact the secretary for my physical therapist set up appointment at your earliest open date, which of course is until June 23 at 9 o'clock in the morning. So Christmas gets Shoved a little further down on the calendar.

Don't get me wrong, I love my physical therapist, Sue. She's great in his help me a lot in the end she is an appendage of the medical model and what she says goes regardless of what I think or say. For those who remember reference the manual chair hell. The chair I raised such a stink about, how it hardly fits me and how I can't really use the chair in my life. The chair which takes up valuable room or space in my house. The chair which is with that much more than I wanted which I can't do anything with the piece of junk even give it back to the vendor. I wonder if it's because I raise such a stink that everybody, especially the sleazy salesperson just cover their ass from the top to the bottom from the customer from hell – – which is I am sure what I am known by the local durable medical/medical professionals.

The sales guy, Jason is your run-of-the-mill , plaid coated, Say anything to make a sale, durable medical vendor.I Have had better sales guys in the past, One or two I have actually believed in, one guy would actually show up hours after closing if needed -- corny in the as it may sound—To take care of his customer. There shop was forced to close, I assume because they were not making enough money or some political thing with one other major vendors with the state. So now I'm dealing with this Out fit and having to wait till June 23.

I think I am taken it pretty good all things considered, I've resigned myself to the concept to believe in something when you can see it, feel it, taste it. Yes I know I am very cynical but my life in a wheelchair and actually before that has really grounded in a the world of cynicism. I am so thankful to have this backup chair. If I did not have this chair I'm sure be a lot more pissed than I am right now. I'm sure I'm going to be disappointed when the chair arrives finally and I have to drag my sorry ass up to University of Utah and meet with the “professionals in my life”And have the chair “fitted” to me like this is accepted formality but really it's there happen before.But sigh, you do what you got to do to get your ass in a new set of wheels

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