Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Solstice Report

I tried to update the blog last Saturday, the first day of summer, but I'd never got around to finishing the document. Things just came up the way things do the chair irritates when I can't finish a thought. I had a pretty good thought about how I was out the garage trying to arrange enough stuff in my area to where I could actually work on sticks. I spent the major portion of the day, in the hot sun or the baking garage just untangling a 50 foot cord, electric cord, and orange cord used to power things like hedge clippers, electric lawn mowers anything that needs power and a lot of it. The Cord was laying right on the floor In a huge knot. The untangle seem to take forever. Then when I tried to drill a hole into One of my sticks the drillbit is been and I couldn't get the bid to dig deep enough into the wood. By that time I've been on the heat number of hours and I'd had enough. Now, want to go back to the garage and find it drillbit that is straight and will dig deep enough that I can turn a hook into the stick thus transforming another piece of wood into a useful product. Perhaps most importantly making me feel I have had something of a fulfilling experience in doing a little bit of creation.

When I was untangling the corded knot I noticed there was a major injury to the court. Obviously I had run over the cord and frayed wires inside the cord to the point where they would be dangerous if plugged in. If I had the skills it would be an easy fix the snip off the plug snip off the damaged section of cord and reattach the plug. If I had the skills or the hand function neither of which do I have. So, I did some checking online and found a cord which would suffice could run anywhere from 9 to 20 bucks which is doable. I could take the court to electrician or fix-it shop of some sort and it would cost you that much to have the repair made. I could search the neighborhood or contact a family member i.e. Carl and have it do the job if they would or could that sounds too spooky. I mean the cord is great I hate to throw it away but what else can I do?

I am finding reconnecting with my wood shop quite a feat. I don't know why it has to be so hard it really does feel at times the universe is plotting against me and pushing me into another phase of life I do not want to go. I kind of just why my left alone see will happen with the wood project I started so long ago and see where it takes me why should I be denied that? Seriously this may be the last summer my life I should be able to get to make a couple of hooks at least.

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