Saturday, June 13, 2015


My left arm was greatly affected by the recent stenosis, well the stenosis that I had removed last year Or earlier this year. The left side deficit has really limited my ability to be independent effectiveness through physical therapy, great support at home in my own drive I've come back fairly well.. I still have issues with my transfers probably dressing though I haven't had a chance to really explore that area. But the last couple weeks I have sensed that my left side is becoming weaker again. As much as I do not want to acknowledge this fact in the back of my mind I think it is actually happening, but stenosis which was left on the other side of the spinal column is beginning to exert pressure on the spinal column causing my left side we can which could eradicate any gains that I've been able to bring about. I have brought this up to Kristin my physical therapist who in turn has brought this up to my neurosurgeon about possible intervention to remove this current stenosis – –which scares me to death but not so much as losing any more function on my left side. What really frightens me is losing mobility on my right side go to you go to be in the lin which might be secondary to medical intervention for the stenosis. The neurosurgeon really does not want to do anything and tell a certain period of time which of course will be passed this insurance year and into the next meeting will cost us a great deal more to have the same operation done then instead of now, now being the end of June.

I of outlined a little of my life after the recent operation and how it's changed and how costly it is become with attendant care. How I have to go to bed every night starting at 8 o'clock because that's when my attendant arrives to do my bowel program and put me to bed. I could be upset about how much this takes away from my day in particular my evening. I miss this most of the summer when I would work out in my garage on making sticks until eight or 9 o'clock tonight, listening to NPR and just working on my wood. Yesterday, Bridget and the kids were over, we worked on my wood shop out in the garage. Bridget did a great deal of work which I greatly appreciate particularly fixing up a piece of equipment I dropped it really bent out of shape. We ended up making just two sticks that's okay we got the garage set up to where I can go out to the garage now and work As long as headlight during the day when I have the time. I still have to start getting ready for bed around 7 o'clock but you know what? I need to see and be thankful the fact that I can work out there for a good amount time and that is what is important. Same way with everything else is what I can do with what I have left which is important. I can let the fact that I miss a couple hours of the day not be able to work on the fact that I have a bunch of hours that I can and I must take advantage of those hours that I can be productive, have fun, go places, meet and be with people and enjoy my life. Is this not what it is all about? Now more than ever I have to make every second count while I'm up and can do stuff. I'm excited to have my new chair coming when it does come with this giving more independence with celebrity stretch out my day and do more things with the quality chair that is functional, batteries? I've been thinking with the fact that I go to bed or get off my butt every day at seven in evening maybe this has cut down on my body trauma and actually allowed me to enjoy the quality of life that I may not have because I was doing too much. So everything is point of view, how I look at My life, half-full or half-empty and all the other little word tricks that help us get through Our lives.

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