Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Jumping July

It's early Wednesday morning much earlier than I usually am up because my chairperson had to do something with his significant other early this morning which I don't care as long I am up and out of bed. Today's going to be another hot one and I'm carrying ice with me or icewater to help me get through the day. I threw a bottle of water, a pretty large bottle into the freezer last night and most of is ice this morning. Hopefully the depths of a black backpack the ice will slowly melt Allowing me to keep cool – –I also plan to drench my hat at different points throughout the day hopefully my core temperature down.

Gabe's father finally died last night, the deathwatch of been going on for weeks actually. Cold as it may sound I'm glad the ordeal is over. The stress on the poor family has been really overwhelming. Now the stress of getting rid of the body will cause equal friction. Dianne has been very good to be with the family at their times of need throughout the whole death process over the past couple of months hopefully everyone now Can get back to their lives and enjoy the summer and.

The family stopped at the house last night (Bridget, Gabe and kids) to pick up Dianne to go to Burlington close factory to pick out a new suit for the funeral. Bridget reminded me that we needed to work on building the gate – – to be honest I'm a little intimidated by the whole experience and I hope Bridget will not let me off the hook. We will greatly enjoy time together and building this project I just hope we can pull it off. We may end up seeing if there is anything ready-made at one of the big box building stores. A little worried about trying to do this in his current heat wave but who knows maybe we can pull it off. And as Bridget says we have gave around to pick up the pieces if we should fail.

However today is rehab and a lot to sugarhouse in a few minutes even though I'm hours away from my scheduled appointment. I just want to get out on the tarmac before gets to hot travel and see what I can see them go where I can go in the time I have open to me. I do not think I am running away as much as trying to pack as much time and stuff into the time I have available before I have to go to bed at seven or 8 o'clock. I'm so eager to find out what my therapist and say that rehab when I come in with this monstrosity of the chair. Chances are still circled the wagons cover their own asses which will surprise me any job security is everything but still firmly believe, even though I look good in this chair sitting up straighter than I have for a long time, The trade-off is too great. I've lost too much of my independence to acquiesce the “Cosmetic” upgrades this chair supposedly to render. After all, the chair is a done deal, I have already begin to destroy the thing which is a shame.So off I go for my day on the tarmac the boiling heat of July.

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