Friday, September 06, 2019

Journal Blog Who Cares It's THE Same!

Sometimes I worry that I may be running out of things to write about. I wish I could just turn off the computer and just roll away from this blog sometimes but I can't do it. There's something inside of me which drives me to write. Part of it is my commitment to journalism – – no, not the art of recording news items in such – – the daily examination of a life lived. Again I think there is a difference between journal and diary but it's pretty close in many ways one can substitute for the other whereas diary is the liberal document needed the days events whereas keeping a journal many times actually fleshes out those daily events with something more meaningful. I hope I have not run dry of writing about meaningful of events of the days of my life. I had lunch today with Lori a very close friend of mine and I shared with her my fear of redundancy, of writing something or about something which I've already written about before. Nothing frightens me more in the aging process then repeating myself. I've sat with enough seniors and other folks were so enamored with themselves and their lives That they force you to listen to a repeat of their life event. I have noticed a couple times that's happened to me. I can see it in people's eyes when I start to tell a story that they've already heard. Many times they go ahead and let me repeat the story just out of politeness however there are couple who I feel I guess they feel comfortable enough to the point they could just tell me you are you heard that story – – maybe comfort has nothing to do with their confrontational behavior they just don't want to have to sit through it again. I cannot fault them for that I know exactly how it feels. I have a friend upstairs at this apartment complex he's an okay guy is even older than I am. He's had a very interesting life he's been a surgical nurse among other things has many great stories to tell but sadly he's also a member of the local culture which means he believes he's a member of the one and only true church. Steve kind of blends the mythology of his church with his pathological dependency on conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories and a belief in extraterrestrial visitations and realities. I would not be so bad if Steve is not so predictable. I suppose what I'm witnessing is just one more form of the aging process and how it reveals itself to the person on the outside. And I am therefore hypervigilant to make sure that I am not going overboard with what I feel is important in my life that I feel other people must hear.

So I totally believe in doing the Journal/blog to keep a record of my life and how I've lived. I don't think anyone cares, not really and that's okay I can accept that but what is important to me is that for someone who is perhaps, one day, trying to find references to this point in time hopefully this blog will survive and maybe help document the lost civilization and that's using the term loosely…

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