Friday, January 22, 2021

Another Saturday Night


I get so frustrated with the weather – – I know I'm sounding more and more like an old man just crotchety all the time – – the storm they were yammering about for the last two days of course, totally fizzled out. I even watch the early news today as I fried up the leftover vegetable life baked yesterday. The morning whether indicated the storm would come in around noon probably be significant all evening maybe even into the morning. I pretty much canceled my day, not that I was going to do anything huge anyway. I'm toying with the idea of jumping the bus heading down to desert industries to pick up a couple hairdryers. The one industrial hairdryer I had for some reason has stopped working. I'm hoping they'll be more hairdryers at the thrift store there always has been in the past and they are affordable.

I watched two movies today. I pulled from my DVD collection. The skies were dark and overcast a perfect reason to watch movies. I had intended to find something to play in the background while I did some cleaning up around the kitchen. The kitchen was still traumatized from the cook aroma that I did last evening. And of course I plugged in 12 Monkeys with Bruce Willis and I don't think I moved for the next two hours what a great show. And then I plugged in You've Got Mail actually I've been trying to watch this movie first but for some reason my computer DVD player probably more accurately the DVD would not play. I tried the DVD again after the monkeys played fairly well except for a few spots I'm afraid I may have to invest in another copy of Mail. Little bit of snow was falling as the movie ended which is just enough to keep me in for the rest of the day.

Last time I looked there was a little more snow on the ground, the ground is covered but there's not enough snow to lay down on the pavement on the driveway outside my window. I think the solution storms just about run its course. Luckily, I made it out yesterday and got everything I needed for the weekend. Now I just have to lay low and get through my days until Tuesday when I will actually have to leave the apartment for sure and jump a bus for my wheelchair evaluation. And of course watching the news looks like storm will be coming in that morning. With my luck, of course, this will be the one snowstorm of this year which will produce a major snowfall and I'll be right out and it. But Tuesday still a long ways away and a lot can happen between now and then. And either way I'm sure I will do just fine on this, just another Saturday night…

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