Saturday, January 30, 2021

Satisfying Sunday


The apartment still exists under a high level of entropy. So, I figured the result was Sunday I better put some focused attention into the kitchen at the very least. Luckily for me what look like a bunch of dishes just a few large pots and pans I'd used for the corned beef and cabbage last week. There were course of the utensils which had to be washed and I still have to put the majority of the wash dishes away but that's okay. I will have a lot done by tomorrow morning can put a little bit more effort into the area before my home health person gets here. Not that I'm trying to impress I just don't want her think it am a total slob more than she does already.

One of the other projects I've been meaning to get to over the past couple weeks is to “re-tip” my sticks and hooks. You will remember the values this plastic like material which is highly adhesive (?) Not adhesive per se but is very gripping. I'm sure of discuss this somewhere in the body of these blogs. But I use the sticks I have a big long stick that I used to grab things from up high and dry down as well as reach. The long stick is a great for making my bed in the mornings. I also use the adhesive tips on my other sticks that I use for things like dressing. I have to use the stick under my life or foot that I'm able to raise my leg up high enough to cross my other leg to get my shorts and shoes on. This sticky material greatly benefits me and my ability to dress myself with the independent living assists but I'm able to fashion. Which really great is I can affix this plastic material on the ends of the sticks with rubber bands which I stretch on to the sticks and they work pretty well hold on for weeks and sometimes months of the time or until the plastic pieces wear out which they do often on and then it's time to take a morning or afternoon like today to make the upgrades. I'm set now for a couple more months.

One of my allusions I love to foster is the special Sunday dinner. Growing up, Sunday was the big meal of the week. Usually sandwiched in between Sunday school in sacrament meeting. High-protein usually roast beef steaks, mashed potatoes and gravy and multicolored vegetables were the fare of the day. I still like to think Sunday's the day to make a special meal. My Sunday meals are not special sadly most of the time but often I can come up with a ham, roast or even some form of chicken. Three or four months ago I bought some high-end quality beef, all beef dogs. I love a good hot dog. This week I was planning on making a basic spaghetti sauce and adding some pretty decent frozen chicken meatballs that I got from food bank a few weeks ago I've kept in my freezer. But the day ran out and I lost my energy so I put together hot dogs for Sunday night dinner you know what they weren't too bad

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