Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Hail ToThe Chief

I really don't know what to think. I actually kind of got a hopeful feeling today with a few exposures to the inaugurationl activities in Washington. I'm trying not to be too juvenile but I have to confess I was more than a little upset that CBS showed inauguration activities over Young Sheldon . I don't know if I've addressed this feeling of mine but YS is really the only network series that I wait for every oh crap, I'm so embarrassed today is Wednesday. Young Sheldon is broadcast on Thursday nights. I guess that was one of my senior moments for today.

I have to confess some mildly impressed with Mr. Biden. He seems to be saying everything right and trying to look like everything is all right. The guy's older than me!. I actually worried about him walking the distance from where the motorcade dropped them off at where he and his family walked to the White House. Boy, that guys going to sleep tonight after he signs all of his documents. I'm really trying not to be critical but did you see his Secret Service detail? I wouldn't have felt very comfortable that they were supposed to protect me. They looked dumpy. They didn't look fresh, sharp and focused like other Secret Service personal I've seen over the years. I hope they can do the job we will know soon one where the other I'm sure. I'm kind of impressed with Bidens mixed family and the nephews and nieces it would be great to be the first cousins of the country. The probably love to go to uncle Joe's to swim in the pool are any of the bowling alley in the basement of the White House. I don't know how impressed I am with Mrs. Biden/Dr. Biden. Boy, the trolls are going to have a field day with her and her make-believe doctorate – – oh yeah she has a real doctorate but there are some major streams that had to be pulled for her to “earn” the degree. I hope she's got some pretty thick skin she's going to need it for the next four years – – that's if she plans to live in the White House. I guess she never lived at the vice presidential quarters preferring to live in Delaware.

Thank goodness Washington DC was a quiet place today for the inauguration. Those coup daring Proud Boys or the Boogaloo boys have not gone away they just gone under ground I bet they are just frothing Especially since they've been blocked off so many IT platforms around the world. These groups had the taste of power, the genie has been let out of the bottle going to be hard to control these guys now. If nothing else things we interesting now to see how Mr. Trump will have to deal with what he is wrought intentionally are not intentionally he did a big poop now just have to figure out how not to step it…

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