Thursday, January 28, 2021

Mr. Lifter


I don't want to sound anal but I have to admit hooping has been the biggest thing on my mind for last couple of days since my lift stopped working on Monday. I was doing pretty good actually. This morning I felt pretty decent enough until lunchtime I fear I might even go all the way till tomorrow morning when my regular toilet and shower time is. I spent all day at the apartment waiting. My brother actually fixed my lift for my new lift with a part of my old lift major functional lift. He did the repair at his home so he could utilize his shop. He was willing to to bring his tools or to try to bring his tools over to the apartment to work on the lift but since I tore the old lift up is easier just take that part over to his home but also meant he had to bring it back when he was able to have time to do so. That time was about 3 PM this afternoon. He made the switch and voilà I had a lift that would work we didn't try it on me then partially because I did want to aggravate my bowel anymore that might already be an partly because I just really wasn't ready to be undressed yet for the end of the day. But as the afternoon wore on in my intestines began to gurgle and cramp I knew I had to make a call.

Boy was I lucky home health person Melanie just happened to be there. I get the impression that often she's working in the afternoons and evenings doing home healthcare. But she was home and said that she would be over momentarily. You will not know how relieved I was. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to wait till she got there but I made it. The best part about Melanie's exposure to the lift she did not realize the lift carriage was no longer swiveling. When my brother replaced the part he had to remove the swivel base and just attach the lift with a bolt. Luckily we (Melanie and me) rarely use the swivel capability on the left. Were able to move the left around the bathroom easily so that we don't have to use the swivel. When I pointed this out to my brother I think he felt a little bad but I also think you might be able to fix this if it seems to be a necessity which obviously it is not. Lift is a nice enough piece of equipment now except for its a little bit long in the legs making it a little difficult for Melanie to move around but you shouldn't do it without problems.

So now I have two lifts, and if I can get my hands on a sling that will work I will have two lifts that actually work and are usable. It's great to have a working lift but now I wonder what if I had an option for a brand-new lift. One of the people I made contact with well searching for a sling forwarded to me information about a Utah program that helps folks with disabilities acquire technology to keep them independent. So I would have option to utilize this program get a brand-new working lift with no problems, probably a two-year warranty and the only thing I would have to to worry about is where to stack my growing pile wheelchair lifts…

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