Monday, January 18, 2021

Apocalypse How?


This is the only image or had that was even close to apocalyptic. Taken last summer after a good windstorm in my local park.

This is not going to be a rant, I do not do rants very well. I wish I could but seriously I just can't get that excited about anything anymore it seems like. However, this being 19th of January and tomorrow being supposedly the inauguration I have the on wildly feeling that were sitting on the edge of the apocalypse. I've been thinking about my pathos in general the last couple hours. Friend of mine, Internet friend, who lives in the Netherlands is somewhat disgusted with me right now because of my lack of excitement or interest in the political debacle of the United States right now. She was actually sending me screenshots off of her television of the quandary Netherlands is currently going through as all of their elected officials resigned en masse I guess. I haven't seen anything locally or nationally but something's going on and she's just rabid about what's going on in the Netherlands as well as the USA and I'm on the verge of sleep from monotony and I was on my way out to the market for something as mundane as table grapes.

I was just visiting with my friend Dennis, who I have known for more than 50 years, I've always looked at Dennis is my guide to all things political and avant-garde from the corrupt lyrics of the Rolling Stones “Satisfaction” to the actual James Bond literature. I probably would never known the movies were actually derived from Ian Fleming's pocketbook library. Dennis is a great anchor to reality for me. I cannot say that I'm totally worried about what our current president might do upon leaving office but if there was something that could usher in the Apocalypse or great prophecies of the LDS church and the sure signs of the great Coming it would be the end of all failed political regime. I shudder when I ponder the fact that as I write this, the current president of this country still has his hand on “the football” that oversized attaché case that holds the nuclear codes. I recall that desperate moment right after they captured Robert Kennedy's assassin and wrestled him to the floor and were trying to pull the pistol from his hand and someone makes the comment “… Break his fingers if you have to!” That's the way I feel now. “Saw off is god damn hand if you have to get his hands off the “football””. Get the bum out of the office and let us get our life back.

Getting the bum out of office is just the one step but maybe the beginning, we got a get our shots, our vaccinations. We a shock this economy back into functionality. We got a get restaurants back open, movie theaters back open and a whole lot of people buried. I cannot believe what has transpired in just one year. I cannot believe how much I miss the opportunity to go to classes at my silly little community college just up the street. I turn 70 next month and I really hope I get to live at least through the first year of my seventh decade.

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