Monday, January 11, 2021

Clunk Clunk


I made it through the weekend which is really saying a lot of his time Covid but it seemed appropriate. The most ambitiously I did over the weekend aside from cooking a three course dinner on Sunday night was washing my close on Friday. So I guess Friday was the most productive. As washes go this Friday's loss was not a huge event – – thank goodness. Washing close it just time-consuming add to the fact that I always tend to get a late start on Fridays because of Friday be in a program very low don't really ever get done until 9:30 AM and not dressed until 10 AM if I'm lucky. Many times after I've dismissed my home health worker I hang around dallying before get dressed. More than once I've been transported away on those stupid YouTube “how to” videos that often snag me but I'm trying to check the time, whether or my bank account status. Before I know it all spent 45 minutes watching some idiot build a merry-go-round parts found in his auto shop. I also get carried away with cooking videos especially Asian cooking videos. Whatever the video there a huge time usurper and I hate them. I have to just figure out a way to get dressed without checking my online presence first. Sometimes, I listen to podcasts are public radio as I get dressed and start my morning kind of background noise or white noise.

I was relatively swift on Friday getting dressed I had a function. I promised myself to get the clothes done before doing anything else. Well, almost done. Once I finished the second dry if needed. Just on the side – – I'm doing my laundry now a day early and it seems I can get through or by just one dry cycle and that saves me $.75. Whole process from start to finish if I'm focused is probably 90 minutes to 120 minutes. I swear sometimes I get if free 10 minutes on my dryer if I'm really lucky. The laundry is right next to the manager's office. This usually isn't a bad thing but I been trying to avoid the manager for the last couple weeks after getting a raise on my rent. I don't know why just want to avoid or if I can. It's not a big deal unless I make it one. Anyway, I found a way that I can circumvent rolling in front of the manager's office completely if I exit the building just outside the laundry room and I can go all the way around outside the come in my wing. Works pretty good I can operate pretty well in stealth mode.

My regular M O is to start the wash go back to the apartment and do something productive then come back in through the wash in the dryer and repeat the process. I don't really know exactly how long it takes to wash the clothes some people say 40 minutes same process is true with driving cycles some folks say 40 minutes some say 45. I used to take a book with me or my cell phone so that I would have something to do while I waited for the cycles to wander through. But I thought to be more productive so now what I do usually when I start my wash I will do more or bike is usually by that time of the week I'm on 30 minute pumps as opposed to the first three days of the week I do a 50 minute pump. So I'm in and out running back and forth to the laundry. Anyway I started this week's dryer and I was flummoxed because I heard clunk clunk clunk. It sounded like a shoe was in the dryer clunking around. I stopped machine looked inside I cannot find anything. I tried to convince myself maybe I'd loaded the machine wrong there was just bumping around. Finally however, a rolled next-door were Jennifer the apartment manager was talking with Ted the maintenance guy and asked her to see if I had broken up dryer. Would not surprise me. She seemed excited to see me at been a long time to thought maybe I was dead. But anyway she went to the dryers looked in at first cannot find anything then she says, “a ha!”. Like a magician: a rabbit from the hat she pulled out my cell phone! I often carry my cell phone in my lap especially when I'm doing things like the laundry case somebody calls. On the restraint belt on my chair I usually keep the phone but it's also an easy place for the phone to jump into the wash since I'm bending over so much throwing it in. It must around five minutes in the dryer before Jennifer fished it out but it still worked and it is working even now my luck continues to hold this fabulously bright new year…

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