Sunday, January 17, 2021

Miracle Cake


I actually got some decent sleep last night, not a lot, but more than I've gotten the night before. I got up and felt fairly rested and spruced up the kitchen a little bit or at least tried. The day before I just made a mess and pretty much left it until today. Not like got a whole lot of dishes anyway but enough to make me guilty for leaving them out as long as I did. Like I said I didn't have a lot of dishes to clean up for what I did have was scattered but seemed from hell to breakfast generalized chaos.

I started off by cleaning the area by the coffee maker (new) and made myself half a pot. Rearranged and cleaned off the range. I tried to set things up so I wouldn't, inadvertently, tip something over and just make the mess worse. I've been working on a cake, a chocolate cake, I made earlier this week. Kind of proud of myself that I had not eaten the whole kit and caboodle. The cake now is getting pretty dried out, the way that I like it. I decided I would chop up what was left into finger food sized chunks that I could enjoy like brownies, cookies are just something I could pour milk over or ice cream and enjoy. I was taking extra efforts to make sure that I did not tip over the pan. I set the cake pan on the top of the table I pushed the pan, or I thought was far on to the table, but obviously not far enough. In a split second while reaching for my coffee somehow with my elbow I click the edge of their cake pan and all the cake with flying to the floor. I was kind of surprised that didn't hear the “clang clang” that I usually hear but a soft “thud” and leaning over the side of my power chair to look at what I thought was a colossal mess was the cake pan sitting right side up! There were a couple chunks of cake which is bounced out, I suppose, on its trip down to floor. I would say 80% of the cake survived. I knew would be a challenge to get the pen up off the floor by myself but I figured I was lucky in that the help of my trustee dustpan is able to hook the edge of the pan on the dustpan with the long handle I used to pick things up off the floor and it worked! I was able to lift the cake pan up enough to grab it with my other hand and pull everything the safety. I probably should've seen this event as an act of God and thrown away the rest of the cake but I just couldn't do it. I'm still impressed with myself for not trying to save the parts of the cake that bounced out of the pan. I actually threw those away.

It's amazing what I can do when I get enough sleep. As I said earlier cleaned off the stove and the think. Reinforced by the cake incident I even sorted out some of my items in the deep freeze of my refrigerator. I've been meaning to get my sausages both had frozen in their four months. I also put some arrangement other items in the freezer. I still have a significant amount of work left for the freezer but for the first time I can open refrigerator without fear of freezer avalanche. Tomorrow sometime next week I'm going to really get into the freezer throw some stuff away cook some other stuff and make the whole damn box a little less intimidating. Right now however I'm going to enjoy milk to my cake for a late we can treat later on this evening…

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