Wednesday, September 12, 2018


It's hard to tell, the images low-quality, but the clone is sitting at the front of the picture wearing shades. I wish I'd gotten a better shot a well…

I must admit more often than not I'm caught up in my own little world my ride the train these days. I have either reading a book, yes an actual book are I must confess on my cell phone are tablet. I don't like electronic reading so much so, usually an analog book – – I hope I said that right. If not reading than sadly I lost in the tiny screen of my cell phone. Getting sucked into YouTube's which I hate, checking on Facebook which I have almost given up since people no longer create themselves but send and resend content. Noisy, obnoxious and usually just silly stuff that I hate on my Facebook page. There is no way to control this content-- if there is I do not know how nor do I have the desire to learn how – – so usually I just don't engage. But sometimes I get hooked.

Yesterday, going in to the city for my meeting, I was waiting on the platform. I usually loaded into the first coach on a train. Today I noticed the authority is painting new access squares (small access blue rectangles with the wheelchair guy in white on top. These are placed on the platform where the coaches with accessible entries will stop. ) Today I decided to catch the middle coach. Bear in mind that I'm catching this training at about 9:30 in the morning on Tuesday. I catch the Red Line which is the train that goes up to the University of Utah and medical Center. At this point in the year the youth are still believers so the coaches are crowded and cramped. One such “scholar” is standing smack dab in the wheelchair/bike section of the coach. He looks at me, his eyes begging like a cocker spaniel that I not ask him to move. I shrugged and shake my head that's okay I will be just fine sitting in the middle of the car reading my book.

I don't know if it was the struggle to keep myself awake as I tried to read my David Baldacci almost pulp fiction, fiction swaying back and forth in the train. I shake my head rapidly from side to side when all of a sudden I notice somebody sitting in a wheelchair station at the front of the coach where I would've been sitting at an outside to take the door I did. There's a guy sitting there which I thought just like me. Of course it was not that I'm saying wow I have a doppelganger (I must say this is the first time at a reduced that term). You must've been on the train before I boarded because I know I would've heard the ramp alarm if you boarded after I had, and looked up. Seeing what could have been my double was the strangest feeling. I wish I had boarded at the same station. I'd like to have set there and visited with this guy an hear his story. Truth be told, had I actually got up next to him I would just have ridden in silence.

I've been hearing a lot lately especially with the find of my biological family. People are amazed at how much I look like some of my siblings. Frankly, I can't see it except that me and my older brother are bald. But this guy, on the train still has me flummoxed. For a second I thought I had entered an alternate reality and it wasn't all that bad.

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