Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Now What?

A couple of days ago will I was notified by my doctor's office that I had a doctors appointment scheduled for today at 10:30 AM. This totally hit me from left field. I totally spaced this fact. I couldn't believe I had not remembered such an event. Then just out of curiosity I thought 'why did not write this down in my journal?' So I opened up my tablet calendar and sure enough there was the Dr.'s appointment big as Dallas set for today at 10:30 AM. Usually this doesn't affect me too much I usually shrug my shoulders and go on with my day thankful that I caught the appointment. I did notice that I could've set a notifier which would've given me a heads up a day ahead of time. I'm going to set this for my next appointment.

Today was my regular home health day but I figured I had enough time to do my home and still get over to the medical campus where my Doc practices and I did actually. In fact is able to get there with time to spare I'm glad I took my book. I think this was the second time I've seen this. My regular doc retired last year caused a bit of a trauma when everyone realized I had not been transitioned to another healthcare professional. The point that I'm getting to is that when Dr. Reddy came into my exam room I did not recognize her and I must've seen her before! We had a great visit and I seem to be doing great we discussed a number of items and set up some goals to work at and set up a six-month follow-up date. I immediately put the date on my calendar with a hefty note to myself which is flagged a week before my appointment.

The elephant in the room? Do I have  early-onset Alzheimer's? Is this just the next step of my hypochondriacal behavior? Do I dare bring it up to Dr. Reddy and what should they do too seriously examine this issue. What if I do have Alzheimer's? It would not surprise me especially with the amount of trauma my brain went through 50 years ago. It seems superficial of me to say I think I would not be to bummed out should I have this diagnosis as long as it was not painful. If pain is involved as a whole other issue. If however, Alzheimer's is just a matter of forgetting until I have nothing left remember I guess I could do that. Seriously however, I'm not trying to be glib. I guess I am being somewhat selfish not seen how other folks might view my dilemma. I somehow don't think it's going to be that big of an issue – – if I do have the big A. The process is slow is it not? I am sure I will have time to get cards out to let people know that I'm leaving. Maybe I can get monitors and volunteers to track me when I get lost in return me to my apartment for however long I can keep it and stay under the radar of Medicaid and the medical police. I'm feeling okay. An excellent checkup today in fact she said she doesn't want to see me again for six months which I'm sure will give me more than ample time to forget her again.

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