Friday, July 24, 2020

I Just Want One

You know what I really miss? What I really miss is the ability to go into a market and buy something individually whether it's a  popsicle or ice cream treat or a dinner roll/hotdog bun.. The marketing monster of the world or the USA has gone this way of making it so you have to buy a dozen or whatever. The other day I was hankering for some hot dogs at home but I did not want to buy a whole package of hot dog buns that's usually eight I don't want eight I want two or three hot dogs buns and enjoy 3 hot dogs from the package and then put the rest of the wieners away in the freezer until I feel the urge for more hot dogs. I remember I used to be able to go to the bakery of my Market and pick up 3 hot dogs buns if that is what I wanted. I used to love these buns they had that great aroma that great flavor and they were crunchy crust. I didn't even care if I had to slice the buns open myself. You had to know the tricks to. If you left the buns out overnight the seem to instantly hard not to the point it only be good for Thanksgiving dressing or good old bread and milk (search “bread and milk” you should be able to find an old posting about our family meals of bread and milk is probably worth the search). If you put the uncut buns into a plastic bag that they all got soft on kind of yucky but that's still not be bad totally for good old dog. You have to put these buns in a paper bag and close up the paper bag tight until you use them again. This should only be within one or two days at the most. But now, even if the bakery is making their own buns they won't sell to one of the time you got a bite eight. I'm not eat eight hot dogs in a row just use up the buns. Just thinking about this next week grind my teeth.

I used to love stopping in the market on a hot summer's day in buying like a “Sidewalk Sunday” ice cream bar or a Fudge bar or a Neapolitan ice cream sandwich or a double stick Popsicle, my favorite would be root beer, red cherry, banana not necessarily in that order, oh yeah and orange and lime. Now the best I can do is roll out of the market with a bag of 18 assorted colors. I often do by such a bad but I have to make sure I get the basic primary colors and not all the other weird flavors out there and popsicle land. Then I still have to figure out a way to get the popsicles home before melt starts and then threw him up into the freezer. I just want one popsicle, ice cream bar, ice cream sandwich you know what I mean.

The reason I can't get just one item is filthy greed I don't know it's from the producers of the item like popsicle factory or the greed of the supermarket who don't want to have to break these items up to sell individually. I'm sure there's all kinds of health issues I'm not looking into but still I think it's unfair. It really would not hurt their bottom line about much it would certainly be a lot fairer to people who are single or double you don't need to buy a whole bag of anything just to get one or two items of they want right then after all this is America home of the impulse…

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