Sunday, July 19, 2020

What's Behind The Mask?

Dianne gave me a couple of great facemasks that she got all her sister was living here a few months ago. This mask are heavy-duty and quite efficient – – I hope. But, I cannot wear them all the time we get a little stinky plus they're pretty hot in the heat of the summer. Anyway, I was returning a flashlight to the True Value store across the street and saw they had some masks and purchased one. I don't know if the mask is is efficient as the black ones but it's colorful and lighter weight and a good backup mask.

Of course, everyone's wearing masks now or they should. I cannot believe how many people are still resisting the reality of Covid 19. There are couple folk I know that do not come right out this say they don't believe the virus is real but sometimes they hint they are having problems believing. We always present the question to me “how come if this virus is so prevalent that I have not met anybody are no ever anybody who knows somebody personally that is either positive testing are as had the virus?). I just back away and try to change the subject as quickly as possible. Obviously they don't want to hear the truth or accept. But I am compliant. It's taken me a few months to really get into the fall compliancy mentality but I really believe I got a go through this/we got a go through this to get some kind of other side and I still do not know what that's going to be. What's interesting though is leaving the house/apartment without the mask and immediately stopped in my tracks going back and grabbing the mask from the hook on my rack. When I'm out the community and everybody else is wearing masks it's hard to smile at people who are used to. I miss seeing their faces and their smiles too. Sometimes I can tell there smiling by their eyes they twinkle sometimes and the lines in the corner of their eyes modulate a little bit. And of course when they say something I can usually tell if they're smiling by their voice. Kind of weird though it's like wondering what they look like without the mask on. I had the feeling with a thought the other day I wonder if this is what the Muslims or whoever, those who walk around with their faces covered, when they communicate with each other all their lives. Do they have dreams of being in public and suddenly realizing that not wearing her masks? Like the traditional ubiquitous naked dreams. You know that dream you have when all of a sudden you realize you're at the supermarket, or at the office are in class and your totally naked. I wonder at the masks of become the new naked dream phenomenon.

So I totally built mask wearing into my lifestyle now. I don't know if ever go back to going out in public without face coverings. Interestingly, it served like just another level or layer of the human being to hide behind safe that it might be I don't know how good it is in the long run…

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