Tuesday, July 27, 2021

On The Hook


The faithful reader knows that traditionally I have my Assist, Inc. every Thursday morning at 11 AM but for one reason or another which I may or may not get into here the meeting this week is again Thursday at 2:30 PM which is an example of how things are changing all over the universe. Because, of the shift in the meeting my Tuesday morning was left open and since nature abhors a vacuum nature, mother nature, elected to fill this vacuum with a median of the Writers Guild which meets whatever it wants to usually at the Village In at the corner of Redwood Road and 4700 S., Salt Lake City. It's kind of a strange time (10:30 AM) to meet for lunch but I went ahead with the agenda. After all it's not so much what we eat as much what we talked about and be in the company of our selves.

This Village In was located about two blocks from my apartment complex and that's the big reason this facility has been chosen for ease of travel to me which still humbles me whenever I think about it. But, the point in my room to make is that is us going to the restaurant this morning I noticed the big blue “On The Hook” fast food fish truck! This fish truck sells battered Alaskan halibut and cod at exorbitant prices at different locales in multiple states every month. I first saw this truck when I was working and inquired as to their pricing to get I would get a good break for cod or halibut coming from a fast food truck. I thought the price was astronomical and just blew him off. This was 10 or 15 years ago if memory serves correctly. It was somewhere during this time that someone actually purchased me a lunch of this fish product and I was astounded at the quality of flavor and texture of this fish dinner. Since then I've searched frantically for calendar dates when the fish truck would be in my area. I am not willing to pay the exorbitant prices just to have an evening with great cod are Alaskan halibut. As I said I noticed the truck in the parking lot of the pharmacy across the street from our restaurant and consulting my cell phone indeed the be selling fish there until 7 PM this evening. And mind you once they're done selling fish in this area will be sometime before they come back.

I ordered salad, which took great strength on my behalf, our good friend Jerry the writer always pays for the lunch so I can gotten anything but I stuck to my guns and force myself to order the chef salad lunch version. I was pleased when the order came and it looked pretty good even to the point that the other members of my group coveted by choice. The other two were eating variations of oatmeal mush with bananas with the side of bacon. I'm trying really trying to meet a better lunch even when somebody else pays the bill…

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