Sunday, March 31, 2024

Months End

And just like that so ends another month but I have to admit it was an eventful month after all I was in the hospital for 4 days! I just hope April is going to be more productive than March at least I'm looking to be spending more time outside. I just switched off the TV in the last quarter of the Jazz game I couldn't stand to watch the boys flail and Flounder another night another game. I know I should be more supportive as the boys learn to play together and develop the new team but it's just hard to spend so much time waiting for them just to be choking all over the hardwood floors. Again I'm sure they're exhausted they do a good first quarter usually fairly good second then explode losingly in the third and last quarter of the game. Really is just too painful to endure at least for me.

It was not a particularly cold or wet day just overcast and kind of gloomy however, I was fortunate enough to have breakfast with Marc Anthony and Jasmine. I enjoy spending time with those two. I'm so impressed with Jasmine and her work ethic and her study ethic. I think she's really going to do well in her academics and she just might go all the way to become a nurse. I mean I'm proud of her already but to have that are in or whatever degree she's looking at getting I'll be more than impressed. I was able to get the printed letters into their envelopes as well as with the money into the specific envelopes. Sealed up the envelopes and now all I have to do tomorrow is to run across the street purchase a book of stamps and send the letters on their way and April will be done. I really would have liked to have got them out yesterday or today but I kept forgetting to pick up the stamps when I was at the market. I'm giving up tricking all the way to a post office and then going through their stamp collection to find something unique and exotic. No I'm happy just to buy whatever stamps I can get in the book which took particularly covers me for maybe 3 months. I still Maybe drop into a post office when I find myself in the proximity. Maybe the Murray post office I don't know if I want to travel all the way to the post office on Redwood Road that's a long trip. There is a Mountain America in that area however and possibly could get rid of two birds with one stone.

I noted with some interest that the other two individuals who resigned from the board of directors at the Independent Living Center last week also submitted a formal document highlighting their resignation. I have not done so and I'm wondering if I should. It certainly probably the most professional thing to do in this particular weird scenario. It should not be too difficult just to Bootleg the letter from one of the other guys change the wording and then use it as my formal resignation from the board of directors. Feel like kind of a creep but the same time it was a creepy thing to do to Holly. 


Anonymous said...

Why would you resign from the board? Don't be a sheep, make your own way.

Meadowlark's Mind said...

I took the board position to work under Holly and if she wasn't going to be there I didn't want to be there especially under the circumstances they were forcing her to leave. I've had reservations with the organization for some time and I just didn't want to be under another director I couldn't support.

Anonymous said...

U could want to rethink ur support for the director. She took control of the ship in December, by August ALOT of people were point out an ice berg ahead. She kept the ship full steam ahead despite warning making the necessary changes. She left us in a situation we probably won’t recover from. I expect the liferafts to be deployed soon. Very sad. Who else can be blamed? She was the captain. Mismanaged money. Sad for this center of 35+ years. 😭