Sunday, April 21, 2024

Footloose Sunday

I won't say that I had a rough night but I could have slept better that's for sure. I woke up around 3:00 which is not that unusual. I usually are many times I wake up around 3:00 a.m. with a bladder call that I have to drain before I get back to sleep. And again, this happened last night but I only drained about 200 CC's maybe 300 cc's which I thought was a little weird. It took a while to get back to sleep, usually it doesn't take this long but again I was a little spooked because I wanted to be sure to be up in time to be dressed to meet the kids for breakfast. But eventually I feel back to sleep but only slept for about an hour and sort of just dozed through the 5:00 hour finally forcing myself up at 6:00 a.m.. I've yawned a lot today more than usual but it's been a semi interesting day. The day's been good as far as weather goes not totally clear sunshine but it was totally warm getting up into the mid 70s and that feel good it felt good ruined home from the restaurant it felt good sitting out in the sun reading a little bit. Today was too good to totally lose to Netflix or whatever I might do in the apartment all day so I settled up and went out rolling around for a while eventually going all the way to Kentucky Fried Chicken and getting a wing and a leg for about 6 bucks which is amazing to me but that's all I got was it Wing in the leg they stuck a roll in there but that was it there another there are no other pieces of food or whatever. I enjoyed the chicken however it's not as good as I would have cooked it had I still been working at KFC like I did in the old days. But I enjoyed the small meal eventually wondering back to the apartment.

It's the 40th anniversary of the movie Footloose which by note is or was filmed in Utah in a small little Community not far from Salt Lake. I generally like to show when it came out it was good it was the old Motif young versus old Murray's changing and the young finally showing the old folks how the new world's going to be. I actually found the movie on Netflix this evening so I decided to give it a go and watched it all the way through. I am astounded at how much music was in the movie and I enjoyed the Kevin Bacon peace be in the city kid and I rural community. Bacon driving around in his little Volkswagen bug teaching the farm kids to dance in overthrowing the unrighteous righteous preacher father of his to be girlfriend. My favorite part in the movie was bacon teaching is awkward male buddy Rhythm and dance and then them pulling off the dance at the end of the movie it was quite entertaining. I've always liked the movie and have been really interested in seeing it again I'm glad I was able to find it on Netflix.

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