Monday, April 29, 2024

Renters rebate

 It's really quite a blustery evening here in Taylorsville. There's been a little rain not much and I haven't seen any lightning but it doesn't mean it's not there. It wasn't a bad day but it was a day that I was somewhat stressed about. Every year we have What's called the renters rebate I'm not really sure exactly what it's all about except for it's a good way to get a couple hundred bucks back from paying my rent. Some kind of program that you've got to produce what you paid for your rent and any government programs that help sponsor it and then you submit the paperwork and they send you the money. It sounds simple unless you're me and that means I've got to put my hands on paperwork that's been sent me in the mail in order to qualify for this program. Every year Social Security as well as the state of Utah send me documents indicating how much they paid me over the year. I of course and probably the world's worst document keeper or filer and I'm always surprised that I can eventually find the documents I'm looking for. Such was the case today. Once I went upstairs and talked to the persons in charge of this project and made an appointment for 1:20 this afternoon. Then it was to the apartment in the places where I end up stacking a lot of the mail that I get. And that's what I did I did some best guessing as to which pile the documents might be in and I always am surprised that I'm relatively accurate. It took me about 15 minutes and patience as I went through the piles and files and folders and stuck file drawers in sort of crushed file cabinets. And by 15 minutes I'd put together enough documents that eventually satisfied the service coordinator who is handling this project. If I was still a smoking man this would been a great time to have a smoke following attending the scheduled time slot and putting together the documents that I found. The service coordinator was pleased with the documents I presented and we work together to make sure they fit in all those places where they needed to be. The only problem now is I have to endure the apartment that's been torn up and papers tossed everywhere. I shredded a lot of papers that's accumulated that I no longer need and well no longer need for sure. As you all know I tend to hang on to things been trying to get over that little bit by a little bit. I need to get myself off as many programs which send me monthly statements that I don't really need and that would probably do better online on the internet somewhere. No just start stuffing the file cabinet again and hopefully won't be have to open them again till next year at this time- - it seems to me that I will have to produce something later on in the summer as I renew my monthly or yearly contract with my apartment org!

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