Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Sick day- Sick Bay

 I knew I had come down with something this morning when I woke up. I woke up really early probably around 4:30 or something but I could tell there was something in my chest and I was hoping it was just my imagination sometimes that happens but I was willing to live with whatever it was. I got up got dressed it actually got my shoes on both of them today which is a good sign. I wasn't feeling horrible for say, I had a bit of a tickle in the throat that's now turned into a cough and I have sniffles going on as well. One of my friends on the internet feels I've got a cold which she's probably right. It's a sucker punch you know when you feel like spring is finally here and you let down all your battling sick defenses and sure enough before you know what you coming down with something. On top of all this I may even begin to have a bladder infection of some sort because I'm getting those urges to hit the bathroom and then just producing very little volume at all. I woke up in the middle of the night and the drain and I only drained about 300 cc's which is totally frustrating.

I caught the bus and went into the library to kill time before my assist meeting started. I always hope the little shop will be open before 11:00 a.m. and then I can grab some coffee but again they weren't open. The assist meeting was pretty productive we got a number of documents signed and we pretty much worked out the whole hour. I think the agency is about out of money now however so I think our meetings will be fewer since we don't have any money to give away until July when the new move fiscal year begins. I really just wanted to get back home and sit in front of the heater all day long after my meeting. I picked up some fries down town pulled me over till I got home. I could have gotten a burger or something like that but I didn't want to eat that much food not only from the caloric standpoint but also I wanted to make sure I wasn't pushing or putting too much food in my stomach that might make a poop before it's time. I was too tired and sick to go over to the market after I got off at the graveyard. I kind of wanted to get some bananas but that wasn't going to happen today so basically went straight home turned on the heat and hung out in the apartment watching series from Netflix till I got to the news. I know I'm just Meandering I'm just babbling primarily because that's what you do when you're sick. I might have a fever but I I do it's not very high and basically okay I think. Tomorrow I have to go south and get my toes done. I don't know if I should go as far as contagion goes and I don't know if it'll do anything to me if I go out in the cold as it's going to be for the next couple days. Not below freezing or anything like that just cold a little pressure system you know I stacked up one behind the next. I basically okay I just need to drink some more juice and get to bed maybe I'll be better tomorrow…

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