Saturday, April 20, 2024


 The day was almost perfect as far as temperature goes a slight breeze from a low pressure system wandering through but aside from that, plenty of sunshine and lots of blue sky. I thought about putting together a major breakfast cuz I do have the bacon and I do have Frozen tater tots that I can fry up into hash browns but instead I decided I would get dressed and Wander over for a cup of coffee. The coffee was great I brought it back to the apartment. I will drink on this coffee until Monday morning at least. It was such a nice morning I figured that I would use it constructively. I think I've lamented a couple times recently about not being able to get my shoes on or at least to get them to stay on because the left shoe back is broken down so much that the shoe never will stay on pass the getting on stage right after I lower my foot to the foot box. If anything should happen and I should have a spasm on that foot my foot comes right out of their shoe. So rather than frustrate myself on trying to put the shoes on I decided I would go barefoot today and go up to Walmart and purchase another pair of shoes which I did. The shoe is the same kind as I had before except the backs are solid cuz they're brand new and that works for me I also picked up some shorts ended up being sort of an expensive trip but I do need the clothes and it's totally justifiable and I know I have the funding to do this so why not? I even stopped at McDonald's on the way back and rather than get my usual cheapest cheeseburger they've got I got a Big Mac! That wasn't able to eat it until I got home just because as soon as I got to the bus stop the old 217 pulled up and soon I was at the back door of the apartment complex enjoying my Big Mac which I should know better but guilty pleasures with the day I guess. After downloading my stuff from Walmart I dashed over to the dollar store and got five quarts of milk. I've been meaning to do this for some time just for the security of having that much whole milk. I use the milk sparingly through the week and this much milk should last quite a while. Besides me drinking from the container periodically my home health person uses it in a coffee quite a bit when she's gets coffee in the mornings.

The really good day should be tomorrow when the temperature will get up a few more degrees and the wind should not be significant a perfect day for sitting out in the sunshine and work on my tan lines. Looks like we're going to have breakfast in the morning as usual and that should be enjoyable. Little sore on my butt this evening it'll be good to get off my butt for the week and maybe spend a good time of tomorrow laying down in my chair this person the weight is best I can.

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