Monday, May 13, 2024

I Can See Clearly Now

 There used to be a comic strip called Pogo which I didn't really understand so much as reacted when my parents would read it and enjoy. What are the reoccurring jokes in Pogo was whenever the 13th of the month fell they always indicated that Friday the 13th fell on whatever that day was Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday or whatever. Today I feel like Friday the 13th fell on today Monday the 13th of May 20 24. They started out challenges it was when after a successful launch into my chair from the bed annoyingly I got the hand control from my electric bed caught in my rear wheel of my chair as I pulled away from the bed pulled the bed stand over scattering everything on the floor Plus a quarterback full of pee that I generated during the night. On top of that I could not reach the cord to undo it was out of my reach eventually having me call my home health person who is due to come in anyway but comes in a bit later to come in early if she could. She couldn't and didn't show up till like 8:30 and this whole thing started like at 6:00 a.m.. that's okay I just wrote the morning off as an exercise in patience. Melissa did come eventually and totally picked up the mess that I had created as well as mop the floor cleansing everything the urine had touched. She did a wonderful job totally grateful cleaned out a real messy box that I keep next to the bed of throwaway things. She even mopped the rest of the apartment. I gave her a $10 tip and Counting myself lucky.

If that was not bad enough, when I check my inbox of my emails I saw a note from somewhere indicating that a computer system protection software was getting ready to charge my account $585 for the next year protection. I thought I had cut this off but freaked me out just the same so like a fool I called to help number- - this was all during lunch and I got somebody in the third world country I'm sure India our Pakistan or something named Eric later on Brandon who let me through the next three to four hours of discussion on this proposed hit on my account. In the second hour I begin having a suspicion that this was not going to be usual that this was a scam of some sort. I was not sure but they certainly had me hooked. This went through a whole process looking back I can see how I was the fish being reeled in till the very end when I was so frustrated I was screaming and yelling at my phone with the trick that they did at the very end trying to get me to give them my account information it was really sort of

well done and I still don't know if I did it or not hopefully I did not at least not enough information that they can do anything to my account which is small peanuts. It was so weird they did this trick at the very end where they said they were going to deposit money into my account and then they deposited $2,000 more than was supposed to then they wanted me to give the money back to them that's what I pretty much knew it was a scam and disconnected. I now hope that this is behind me and realizing there's probably nothing out there to help me if it's not and they're going after me big time. It was a total scam I can see it now the clouds are gone I Can See Clearly Now the rain is gone- - no if I could just see all the obstacles in my way ellipsis

1 comment:

Dennis said...

Pogo was political satire.