Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Writers Guild lunch


I should have been more productive today. I should have finished the letters and got them ready for mailing on the 1st. I still have time to get the other letters written I've gotten three done now I just have three more to go. Envelopes are already printed so that's done I just have to stamp and get him in the mail by Friday. I mean it's not the end of the world if they don't get them in the first week of the month but it's a stipulation I like to put on myself keeps me focused kind of. However today was a meeting of the Writers Guild, three people who have had this loose relationship for 3 decades about writing. To be honest this last decade's been a little week. I have been the least productive of the three. One's a professional writer so he's always riding the other is a writing teacher and she's almost always writing and me I'm just the wannabe writer without the gumption to put in the time that it takes to be a good writer. 

I think I could have been a good writer had I learned a good writing ethic and picked up some good writing skills. I pretty much relied on the school educational system and that's not the way blame on Academia it's still my own fault but I didn't take the energy that it needs are that a writer needs to be successful. I think more than anything I had this image of what I wish that I was but didn't have the path on how to really get there. I could also be just an old man make an excuses. But we met once more at the little restaurant not far from my place. I don't know if it's just me but I sense an interest waning as far as writing goes. Perhaps we should be more honest and say we are friends who just like to get together and have lunch and talk about anything that's somewhat important in our minds. We tried to make it about writing in fact my good friend, the professional writer, brought gifts as he often does. He brought books, children's books one for Lori and one for me. I had a donkey on mine he knows I've been into donkeys for some time. How nice. I wish I had something or we had something to give him on a regular basis but he's the writer who's got everything but he's getting tired too yet he's still likes to write. Anyway, like I said and I got carried away, there was a time when writing really was important to me and I could pull words out of The Ether to do poetry or a short story or two but mainly poetry. Had I had better mechanics I think riding Pros would have been much more exciting. Anyway that time's passed now writing is a drudgery that I have to force myself to do. This blog many times has been somewhat forced I'm sure the the sensitive reader will have since that. However the last couple months though I've really gotten into the blog and it hasn't been such a difficult experience to do my 500 Words. If I were committed to larger amounts of words then it would become more of a challenge. But at least I'm now in the habit of writing every night or day if nothing more than the blog. What I really need to do is get back into donkeys I do like doing donkeys. There's always a place for donkeys….

1 comment:

Dennis said...

I wanted to be a writer too, but I ended being a reader. All writers are readers but not all readers are writers.