Sunday, April 03, 2005

The Fam By Default

The Fam

I really did not start to post this image of the family, My Family, on the blog. The image is the result of request of my sister who is putting together a giant family volume which should have in it the images and birthdays of everyone in our family. This is a monumental task. I have ten brothers and sisters and if they all submit-which I am sure they will- you can see the volume may be huge. I wish to publicly praise my little sister Linda. I don’t know if she knew what she was getting in to.

So what I thought was going to be a relatively (excuse the pun) easy project has turned out to me a Sunday nightmare.
I have hundreds and hundreds of images store on my hard drives—maybe thousands.
Many folders are duplicates. I can scroll for every. Thank God the pieces of software I own file by dates. This is the only thing which has saved me from going quite mad. Even with the dated folders I was almost challenged beyond my capacity. I used Picasso-2 the most which is the same soft ware whirl loads to my blog so when I was saving the fam image at one time or another I sent a copy to the blog which loaded it as the image for today’s blog. The more I looked at it the more I liked it, at least for today.

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