Saturday, April 30, 2005


Contact High Posted by HelloI did the MDA and ALS conference. I was surprised at the number of ALS people running round. Lots of MSers too. Really interesting. This was a group of folks who had no idea of my program and the services we provide. The best part of the conference was the vendor such as myself were not chained to the conference all day. We set up by 9:30 and the conference rs did the march round the info hall and they went to the breakouts and we cleaned up and went home. Perfect. I was home by 1:00. Many of the consumers had actually called the info line and they seemed well served. It was nice having them there singing praises to Access Utah. It almost takes the edge off my cynicism.

I was surprised that they actually had dough nuts. So rarely do conferences have real dough nuts. They had boxes and boxes of dough nuts. I got contact high just off the sugar. Coffee, dough nuts and comp time. Nothing better.

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