Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Public Radio Extoration

I am making them pay now! You might remember back in “Another Friday afternoon”, my rant about the loss of control to “my” Public Radio Station who had reformatted their offerings. Well, Guess what? IT’S PLEDGE TIME!! I have to admit I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to the radio all week as the different hosts local and national have groveled looking for the filthy lucre they need to keep their boats afloat. I usually hate the fund raisers. The radio folks are getting so agressive I used to turm them off till Pledge Drive is over. One of the local jock actually was telling the radio audience how much they had to pay for The Diane Rehm show. KUER had to spend something like $175,000.00 for the show! This seems exorbitant. So, if each station has to pay this much money for the show this could be millions before all the show were satisfied. Plus my station has the fund raiser every six months. A couple of years ago, I suddenly realized I was pledging twice a year. I don’t know about you bit I can feel a scam when it pokes me. Now, I love Public Radio, I even believe on public radio but public radio has become an industry to itself. The talk about the listener controls the production—what a joke! Well, I’ll tell you what, this listener controls his wallet and I am not donating this year and I am still going to listen to the station in fact I am going to listen to the other station too KCPW. The card I got when I pledged in November is good for another six months or so. I gotta go…all Things considered starts shortly.

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