Monday, July 23, 2007

Pre-Holiday Monday

Once again it’s the 23rd of July the day before a major state holiday, the boos isd gone for the week and I am in charge. Much of the staff are gone too so I am here all alone cranking up for Monday of a holiday week. All across the state office are running on skeleton crews—this time is very much like week between Christmas and New Years. Anyone who has extra vacation to kill, in the Summer, will take the days during this week then begin building time until the Winter holidays.

In years past this time has been fairly quiet for me but not this year with the Russians now coming into town the end of this week with the whole Russian show to begin next week. I guess I am basically ready for the whole thing. I will be very interested to see how the events roll out. We have developed a full agenda for our visitors and I wonder if we have done too much. The folks will be busy touring the Salt Lake area all week, a lot of agencies and programs which serve folks with disabilities. The way that the schedule looks now is that I will be fairly visible attending a number of dinners and lunches and being there at the beginning and end of their visit. Jennifer has really done a lot of the planning and coordinating.

We did kid duty this weekend mainly with Auni however Mark and Jasmine. It was good having Jasmine and Auni over-- for both girls. Both girls need weekend friend ship opportunities. Auni is OK during the week but come the weekend she becomes a little isolated. I did not post because there was nothing happening exciting enough to eve post.. I cooked little, read and drew a little. I was going to work on another film but did not get focused enough for working on some images but I did expose myself to some of my video and music editing software I have had a couple of years and I have not used the software like should. Maybe I am priming myself up for creative streak. The first year or so I used the blog to force myself to write, and I committed to write about 500 words a day, which I was able to do. I have noticed the past couple of weeks I have not written with the consistency I have before. But maybe writing less is OK now, because I know I can write everyday. I have also noted a couple of the bloggers I have followed for a couple of years are also beginning to write less then did but that is OK—maybe this is a way to let the blog loose control over me.

One last item: my butt is not healing as well as I would like for it to. I have identified the problem as the cushion in my power chair. I sense the cushion rubs my butt the wrong and causes the shearing on my hip and leg. Now I just have to get my little packet of professionals in gear and get some things ordered.

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