Sunday, July 01, 2007


We have a couple of robins which live in the trees in front of our house. As near as I can tell these robins are a couple and have a been together for at least five years now. I like them., Every Spring I see them, sometimes over the winter I see them too but in the Spring especially I see Mr. Robin, who I call “Robin” get very active flying all round the house, trees and ramp just being Spring like. Mrs Robin, “Sarah” hangs back and is not so noticeable. I think over the years I have even noticed smaller robins who I believe have been their kids. But the past couple of days when I have gone outside I have seen a bunch more robins then usual. I could not figure it out till this afternoon as I was leaving for the market. I ran over what looked like cherries on my ramp. Then I looked up and say the plums have ripened and they do look like cherries and are beginning to drop.

I am always surprised to see the plums when they come on. We have never harvested this fruit but they are good, a bit tart but succulent. I am I sure the bird, especially the robins think so. There are other birds out there from time to time, sparrows and even a couple of thug starlings but mostly I see the robins. There is surely enough for everyone and they all behave themselves for the most past. I have to be careful from time to time because the droppings tend to increase and I have to hose down the ramp off and on and that is OK too.

So, I have enjoyed watching the birds enjoy their summer feast then I realized as I watched the birds a bit closer some of the birds were smaller then the others and other were smaller still and I wondered if the smalled were this year's hatchings. Then all the robins dawned on me. I bet the gathering is a reunion of sorts. The robins are having a family reunion just like me. These robins are going to the family tree—mom and dad's where they are serving up red plums all you can eat. Then they sing all day long till the dark finally shuts them down. Oh there's a couple of cats to contend with and the cats are old or just poor hunters. Stay in the trees and you'll be alright.

I am barbecuing today just as soon as the day cools down a bit. I feel like Summer.

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