Friday, November 18, 2016

A Tad More Human

Yesterday I got a table. Actually I got a table and chairs four chairs and a nice round table with legs long enough that I can actually get underneath the table with my power chair. I've been meaning to get this piece of furniture for some time butthead really not been able to figure out how. I was hopeful earlier in the week plan the manager of this apartment complex indicated what are the tenets who just left to go into a nursing care facility has left apartment full of furniture and she would check to see about the table in that unit. I was disheartened later to find that she said the table trashed and all the other materials for sale tobacco smoke laden she couldn't see it going into my unit. I thought so that's good no problem and I thought in the back of my mind how long is it going to take to find something? Then a day or two ago she indicates that she may have found something but she's not sure. The furniture was out in front lobby of the building going to take a look at it I would have first dibs on the furniture.

When I saw the table and chairs I was a little dismayed what kind of intrigued at the same time. My biggest worry was how my going to get more furniture in to my fast-growing small apartment? But I was willing to give it a try. The on-call assistant has had some hip replacement work lately you cannot really lift a lot of stuff so we had to wait until we could get some other help to get the table and chairs down to my unit. I was worried when we did get the items there that the table was too big to get in through the door. Jimmy came down and had moved enough stuff to know how to make these kind of issues. You look good in tilted and soon the chair and table or inside the apartment. It's tight but not as bad as I thought it was going to be and after looking at many of the other folks Apartments I think mine will be ok. I'm having to move a lot of stuff in particular my Saratoga silver but that's okay now I have 4 chairs that people can sit on if and when they come to visit and find Round Table but I can get under and eat at and on and I'm feeling just a tad more human.

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