Monday, November 07, 2016

Arm Bike

I have not used my Saratoga silver arm bike in at least a week. A week is how long I have been at this apartment. Initial stress of moving is now past the trauma of letting go of things I've held onto for decades and downsizing and then orchestrating the move over to this property. Then reversing that exercise by finding a place for all the things I brought with me in this living space.. I did a lot of stuffing. Stuffing this here stuffing that there stuffing things everywhere I dare. Little by little bit things are finding a place to be. Granted it may not be the final place they will be the the of being right now in the place that is best for them which is best for me.. The apartment still it's a mess. The carpet gets dirtier and dirtier as I move back and forth day and night. I've got most the cans of food put away there's still a box or bag that needs tending toBut I at least have them out of the way behind the closet door and pushed off into a corner. I have my little desk set up so I can address letters and cards And maybe even sketch.

I feel like Marty Sheen in his role as Capt. Benjamin Willard in a great film Apocalypse Now, where the captain is in his hotel suite waiting for an assignment and he seems to of been waiting a great while. He says each day he loses his edge each day gets a little more sloppy need to be back out in the field. I need to be back on my arm bike, everyday.. Every day I feel like it a little weaker, I feel I lose a little strength or ability in my left side. This may be my imagination that's how I'm feeling not being able to use my arm bike like I was. I know things are just settling down, and I will be able to use my arm bike again shortly but until then I'm feeling a bit anxious. Thank God I set up the rickshaw on the patio outside my apartment. I'm able to use that on my regular schedule of every other day 100 reps. This is great what I need for now. This led to some physical regimen and something to keep my weight At bay, all though I gained a little bit last time I weighed three nights ago. I wish I could get some physical therapy going

physical therapy would be great right now – – I need to have to work on this.

I am waiting for people, I'm waiting for someone to move my arm like down or up to the exercise room where it'll be installed for me the use of their. I have kind of indicated that the people could use the Saratoga. Makes me a little nervous thinking of the people be turning the crank and messing with the numbers.. But that's okay really if they wear it out then I get another one I can do that right now. Not that I would but I could perhaps a device not as sophisticated as the Saratoga Silver but something that allow me to work my arms and push up my cardio.I finally moved the last two boxes that were blocking the Saratoga and push it over to a outlet, plug it in and do some pumping.

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