Sunday, February 26, 2023

Me And My AI


You know what I really hate? I hate paying money for software that doesn't really work. I guess I should temper my feelings by saying I probably have to software for 15 years and I guess it deserves to wear out if in fact software does not out. It's a voice to text software that Dianne got me for Christmas years and years ago. I've used it, spent probably one of the best gifts I've ever gotten something lately just seems askew. Whenever I've tried to use this software the past 3 or 4 days Software acts like they can't hear me distinctly. Of course when you're dictating you don't have to stop over and over and over to make corrections. I sure don't not be updated version couple years ago with the stimulus package money everybody got but I didn't. Possibly I could probably get an updated version relatively cheap if I went back to the company. But I don't know software or my headset. Like I said the software acts like it doesn't hear me. Invariably what I do now when this happens I will actually What do a reboot of the whole computer thinking this will somehow chart into acting normal. Sometimes it served us so I don't know. But I really kind of the present somehow this boxes turned itself into an AI and things begin to mess with me out of sheer boredom at having to write this blog for me every night. There's a great short story somewhere sort of been done though however but still that's how I feel. Like I said in some imperative that I have the software and computer all working at this time of the month when Iwrite my letters. I've started my letters for March today is a matter of fact and it has really been slow going. My software has some kind of glitch that if I stopped dictating for a few seconds when I start again in search accountable letter like I'm starting A new (see!) sentence. Actually, right now the software is usually working the best it has all day.just because it's listening to me now. Like I said I should just invest in new package.

Yesterday, as is trying to be proactive in my cooking so I don't have to cook today I don't couple pieces of meat out of the freezer in an effort to 1Start utilizing stuff I have in the freezer as well as in the pantry. To start working through all my food storage crap. I brought over half the food in our the storage system. I have tons of fruit cans well a lot of canned fruit some starting to eat that regular basis I want to really get a lot of that food eaten one where the other. But anyway the 2 pieces of meat I pulled out one of those stakes you got all the marks on what went through a tenderizer and 2 pieces of pork chop. Both quite freezer burned I cannot bring myself to toss them so I can. I was totally surprised at how well will came out. I should've dumped both pieces of meat In the some kind of liquid like gravy or soup and then have to stop over rice or potatoes or even posted bread shop. With my meat slicer processable pieces that have been eating on them periodically through the day turned out great. Granted a little off but I floss every night anyway it's all challenge it's a challenge.

The high point of my day came early when I'm at the kids of the restaurant for breakfast. Realize, we had a great storm this week none the sidewalks are so I'm having to drive my chair beside the road. It was no problem going to the restaurant because very few people were out but on the way home is a different question. I had Mark follow me as I drove my power chair on the side of the roadI got home okay no problem but evidence in front of the theater all day…

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