Friday, January 05, 2018

Holidays Over

I know when the holidays are truly over. It's a sad moment to say goodbye to the festive holiday season just past but reality sets in and one has to face the music and the consequence of all their riotous choices during the holiday season. As I said, my time came this morning when it was finally time to weigh in. Dana by home health provider has been very good to me since she became my health person. Lucky for me Dana has quite a grounding in weight watchers. She at least has all the literature and manuals and how to go about organizing your life to lose weight.

The weight watcher materials seem complicated to me but they are fairly straightforward actually. I think I just have to start the program in earnest. I've been dragging my feet because of the holiday glow. Visits from people in the celebrations that the Yuletide season forces one in to. Truly, I know this is a copout. If I seriously truly want to lose weight I would lose weight holiday or not.

During the time of just before Christmas and yesterday I have been doing nothing but bending the weight rules. I eat a whole box of chocolates! I had movie popcorn with butter! I went out to dinner at least three times, attended the DRAC Christmas function (a food and potato chips they are) I enjoyed it to pieces of pie on Wednesday (Free Pie Wednesday) at the Village Inn. In my defense I only eat one half of the second piece of pie, coconut cream! One still has to be responsible and own up to their mistakes.

Today was the monthly lunch provided by Marjorie was a resident here at the apartment complex. Marjorie is interesting, she's British and I think she belongs to something like the Salvation Army or something. Her organization provides a lot of meals to low income and destitute types. A few months ago she began providing a meal for everybody at the apartment complex want to pay two dollars for the meal. The meals are substantial there are a lot of carbs but they're fairly good in the deal for two bucks. Today was a bizarre form a shepherd's pie. Two forms of the pie one of mashed potatoes and the other with tater tots for a person dieting both selections were delicious and probably forbidden at least at the portions being ladled out in the chow line. To complicate the matter and make the matter worse there were leftovers and of course Marjorie sent the leftovers home with me. I took the leftovers from a container, one of those big aluminum disposable containers one can buy the market, and emptied the container into one of my plastic tubs with a lid. Was so motivated with the left over such of the bus and went to Harmon's for broccoli which I tend to mix with potatoes and hamburger. Now, I'll just have to eat this concoction ½ cup at a time how many points Weight Watchers will let me eat.

It's going to be a complicated couple of days till I get the system down. Everyone just bear with me.

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