Wednesday, April 18, 2018

A Bit Of Over Kill

All I want to do is take tickets, maybe answer the phone, maybe even vacuum the floor something low-level. I was really hoping the process would be talking to the theater manager explaining to him what I'd be interested in doing and seeing if he would be receptive to whatever. Of course I kind of got the bum's rush by being given a brochure and being told I have to apply online.

Near as I can tell Regal theaters is a national chain and all their hiring is done through company central office somewhere in Tennessee. This was kind of disheartening because I also recognize this modus operandi as a way to basically bums rush the applicant right out the back door. I have seen this method used of places that I worked at, hell I've used this method to get individuals I don't necessarily want to deal with at the work/employment setting right out the back door. Someone today laughed when I told them about this and said “karma” and she is right I suppose my karma is just coming back on me, chickens coming home to roost and I'm sure this half a dozen scriptorial references for the same. The local guys take no responsibility they just pass the buck up the chain until the buck gets to Tennessee. I still cannot get the teenagers are zombies taking my tickets every time I go to the movies out of my head and think to myself 'I can do that'. Somebody had to hire these yokels and these yokels had to fill out the application online just like I'm having to  maybe it's all just process.

I smiled to myself and stuffed the Regal propaganda the kid behind the window shoved at me, when I told them I wanted the application,deep into my backpack. Of course I cannot find the paper in my backpack this morning so I went to the Internet and searched until I found the online application. I filled out the application's best as I could, until I came to the one part which was to include a resume. I have not both of m resume for years. I thought I was finished with such documents. Actually, a couple of years ago right after retirement I was thinking of volunteering at my local hospital but was stonewalled when the volunteer wannabe had to submit a formal application with an attached resume! That was the last time I really thought that my resume and I refuse to put that much work into a volunteer position. Anyway today I panicked and I realized I did not have a copy of my resume that I'm aware. Perhaps, on the hard drive of the computer Dianne now owns there is a copy but I do not have access to that. There was a “skip” button at the bottom of the page which I selected which took me to a page or I can fill out information on my last three jobs you know the drill. As I filled out this material I kept thinking I wonder if my last place of employment has kept my file and if so there would be a resume there. I called my old office, the director retired last week, and my personal contact (that I still had) at the office was able to find my resume. My resume is a PDF file or on a PDF file that you sent to write over. Theoretically, I am almost a happy member of this theater group "family". I actually have my own page on the theater on page that stores all my work related information i.e. resume. Now I have a password and identity I can go back in and edit my page and submit my resume in the PDF format. I do not want to do that however until I can change a few things like phone number and address and have the resume resembled more of a resume of a person who is retired. To do this I must change the PDF file to a regular document make the changes then send the updated resume to the theater group. All I want to do is take tickets this seems a bit overkill to me.

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