Saturday, April 14, 2018

Artistic Hope

My other brother is an artist, he should have been. He certainly has a gift for art, one I have always been envious. There is art in me I might even be an artist but I'm not a very good artist – I have had no formal training in the way of art. I have always messed around at sketching. I have always liked making marks, where ever I can on paper, on wood,walls any service I can get my hands on. I wish I had payed closer attention to this need to make marks growing up but I never did. I wish someone had seen my attempts and encouraged me are on into the art field. Alas, no one did. I can still remember in seventh grade when we were given the documents that fell out about classes we were electing to take I saw “art”and I really wanted to take it but was afraid that I would be a fun of if I did. I think I took German or speech instead. I wish I had done art.

Over the years, especially in university I was always purchasing art supplies mainly sketching pencils, a tablet here and there or ink pens. I would hang out in the liberal arts building, where the art classes were instructed and where arethe majors hung out and wished I was part of that group. I loved the art exhibits in the halls of the LA building every semester. I especially loved the smell of oils, Clay and paper from the various art classes would seem to permeate the building. Even now I continue my quest to audit art classes at my local community college. As I've written about recently I just cannot seem to get the permission I need from what the art instructors to audit the class. I will continue this for the summer semester. Deep down I hope of getting an art class.

I don't know when I found this website or Facebook page of a couple of years ago, when I was bouncing around a number of Facebook pages of artists and found an artist in French Canada. This artist was actually Dutch and she did a lot of interesting work. I have followed her for sometime and a bout a year ago I happened on to one of her friends on Facebook who's art very much interested me. This person was  Dutch could actually lived in the Netherlands. Her work is mostly pen and ink but I really liked what I saw. I considered her as with her friend as being in the big leagues.Both artists have over 1000 followers. I was just one of the masses admiring their work. Two weeks ago for some reason I actually messaged this artist about how much I enjoyed her work and wished her a good day. She actually responded! I cannot believe it and she speaks some English. But, we began to communicate. This artist is seven hours ahead time is at 6 o'clock here to 11 o'clock where she is in the evening. Today, we had our first extended conversation. I told her about my art attempts she was interested she said she's an art professor And she was help me. I don't know how serious she is, I even texted her some pictures. So I figure by not? It cannot hurt to have a friend of the Netherlands is also an artist and willing to help.

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