Sunday, April 22, 2018

Marks on Paper

I love making marks on paper whether those marks are letters which form words which in a sense draws or paints a picture for the reader in their minds eye. Then there is making marks the other way, actually making marks on paper in such a way these marks render an image or an idea. I of course enjoy making marks always but of late I am focusing making marks on paper more than ever I before. Part of the reason I believe is this focus I have been on in trying to find an instructor whether at a community college or otherwise. Isn't there a fable , saying or is a backdoor something like “when the student is ready a master will appear”? Oddly enough the master has appeared kind of.

For the past couple of years I have been following two or three artists that I've come upon. I found these artists on Facebook oddly enough. I found the one and then exploring their “friends” I found a few others. These artists are all in the Netherlands which is kind of interesting. Actually, the first artist was in French-speaking Québec. Her marriage dissolved while I was following her and she moved back to the Netherlands. I marvel at these people who work as artists, art is their livelihood. I am so impressed. Anyway, one of these artists whose work I find it intriguing I actually left the message on Messenger and she responded. Interestingly it's a little difficult to carry on communication with someone who is eight hours distance from. However, when this individual found I was also very interested in drawing and myself drawing whenever I could she informed me that she was a professor in the area of commercial art. She indicated she would be happy to instruct. I do not know if this is what I want however just visiting with this person has encouraged me to draw more frequently than I have been. She wants to look at my work and critique my work. This is a little spooky for me and I really don't know how much I could learn from long-distance teaching but hey I want to give it a shot. We will see.

A year ago my son purchased a box of paper at what he thought was a deal and I think it was if you are in the market for legal size computer paper. He wasn't sure what he was going to do with that much oversized paper but I told him I'd be happy to take ream (I think arenas like 500 pages). I wasn't sure what I was going to do with that much oversized paper but I have found these oversized pages work excellently for my art. I do not have dealt for making image after image on this paper which I almost immediately throw away or through or throw away when I'm finished with that session. In fact I may even try to get some more if my paper source holds onto his cache. Earlier last week I stopped at the community College and picked up an art clipboard you know the kind of big rubber bands. Weatherwise today is a beautiful I took my clipboard and markers and went to the park across the street from my apartment's and drew. It was crazy at first difficult since I didn't have something to rest my clipboard on but then I found these tables picnic tables with elongated ends which allowed wheelchair to easily fit under. Fantastic! I knew these picnic tables for their but I never considered why these tables are longer, unobstructed at one end – – and I should know this! Great honk, accessibility was part of my career.

I have everything I need to move my drawing the next step, even without enrolling at the community College, which I still plan on doing some time.

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