Tuesday, April 03, 2018


I noticed a couple of days ago I started getting one of those little pop-ups on my computer screen every morning I would power up my system. As usual I denied the notification was a great value and I figured it would go away one where the other. Then the notification intensified a little and I realized it was from my onboard security system for the computer. The pop-up was a notification to renew my coverage. Oddly enough, I was getting another pop up saying that I need to renew my backup system. I got the two confused I tried to renew the backup system and I credit card was denied immediately I got a notification in my emails indicating the denial and that they tried to charge $289 to my card for the backup system. I don't want to backup system I don't need the backup system, the backup system is a relic from my marriage. What I do want though is my security coverage. Actually, over the weekend probably on Easter I realized the pop-up to the security system and try to renew coverage than but was denied as well. Luckily, my standing Tuesday morning meeting was once again canceled so I had all morning and afternoon to renew my security coverage. I had to have it done by fifth of April. I had some breathing space.

The security system I have on the computer came with the computer when I purchased this system last April. I didn't feel the cost of the security because it was included with the price of the computer. I must admit I enjoyed this last year nine at such a muscular security system. The cost is marginal 50 bucks for coverage and that seems fair. I finally made contact with the company mid-morning. I explained the issue is having with my credit card and there are more than happy to fix the problem. In fact they want me to bring in my computer or the would do a major scan and clean up my system. I explained that because of my disability I no longer have my own transportation and would be near impossible to bring in the computer system without major complication which they indicated they would be willing to do a “remote” scan an upgrade. It took them a couple hours to set up a person with as they called me and indicated that the process would take a couple hours. Again I was lucky that I had the day to myself we proceeded to do a process.

I don't think it's weird when technicians reached through electrical system and take control of my computer and start moving around the cursor. The complete process to two hours in the freed up like 6 GB of space. I haven't really noticed the system running any better or worse except for I was not prepared to have to either find passwords or develop new passwords for all of my programs especially social media. I didn't even think that all of my passwords would be erased. Facebook, Google, and others needed new password developed since I really never close system once opened password wise. I'm sure this is silly and I should be more cautious but passwords intimidate me. So now, it feels as if I have a new system, new passwords and new protections doesn't get much better than this.... I feel like a Billy Joel song.

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